The next stage of the car pc is complete.
i have cut the 4 RGBsync wires from the nav brain to the screen and added a four pole double throw relay inbetween so i can swap between the nav display and my carpc. I did originally have it plugged in via the aux input in the boot but that is not high resolution enough to display a pc properly. Its fine for tv and movie watching though. The 4pdt relay is activated via accesories through a switch on one side and grounded via the reverse light signal. This means when the carpc is on and i put it into reverse the relay deactivates and the reverse camera is displayed as per normal. When put into drive the carpc image comes back providing the switch is activated if its not, the nav screen remains.
The carpc now has bluetooth phone and audio and a usb gps running destinator australia for navigation. Centrafuse front end is ok has all the needed features for driving like nav, music, tv, movies and what ever else a pc can do, but i think i might purchase a copy of version 4 soon so i can have access to the app store.