Hrmm.. that was sorta me I believe?
I didnt think that automatically means I'm calling you an aussie. *sighs* Anyhow, your post seems to have magically lost all the weirdnesss/slangs (watever you want to call it).. so its all good.
I second that.
ooooo.. she's certainly hot looking rb25..
Heheh.. sorry 666dan... I thought u got a set from the for sale forum not long ago.. me eyez must b failing me..
yer I know BelG. but I want to hide an EBC if I have one... I hate being defected.. knowing me. if I have one visible in my car I'll sure cop a defect... Call me paranoid
BelG.. Hrmm.. ok.. cause that is still on my shopping list..
As to EBCs.. I got a blitz one noted down.. originally got the avc-r note down.. but.. wanted the bugger.. so blitz it is.. otherwise.. the HKS something 4 is damn sexy..
Hrmm.. wouldnt that be just how the driver shifts? The only thing I hate on auto is the slight over-rev when shifting sometime.. but that could b just me..