thats bullshit... if we go on a cruise that involves other members we dont stick in a small group and ignore everyone else. and dont run against other cars? These cruises are on public roads, so no, we dont run against other cars then. most of the people im friends with on this forum go to WSID or the SAU drag days and run theire. and there is a group of people on this forum that are friends outside SAU, I have been friends with some before I knew about ofcourse we are going to hang out with eachother, we would feel a little more comfortable together as we know eachother better than other people we have jsut met.. doesnt mean we dont talk to other ppl when we meet up with them.. there has been SAU members from other states that we have had come hang out with us as well when they are here. so I honestly dont know what the f**k you are on about, and I dont think you know either