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Everything posted by Sl!m

  1. this was in West ryde, im certain it wasnt yours, the paint looked really old, and I forgot to check, but I think it had different tail lights, ill check again today if it is still there and tell you the st name
  2. I got patches of blue skys in seven hills
  3. looks wet is it still on ? or can I go to sleep?
  4. *woot* so that means because im not sleeping tonight and I will be at the drags tomorrow, then finaly sleeping, I wont see it till sunday bah!
  5. Stan, you going to be at drag day today?> sure you could get some nice footage for the club there.. and anyone could see this as its all on private property
  6. so where is Menthu? *taps foot impatiently
  7. can you email me pics pls - 4.1" LCD TV and XMS DVD Player $275 slim83(at)bigpond(dot)net(dot)au thanks
  8. Aussie Making an Ass of himself in Japan http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~rv5a-phlp/video/osakalow.wmv you can read more about it. http://www.yongfook.com/2005/11/03/foreign...apanese-binman/
  9. Sl!m

    Tas Whoretown

    whaaaaat?? ^_^
  10. Sl!m

    Tas Whoretown

    *Pretends to take cameras down there ya go petie, your free to streak where ever you like.
  11. at 5am ? :lol: I was gonna stop and put ya wipers up, but I was being followed by a dodgey looking commonwhore lol
  12. Spotted MAss_IV parked outside his house today :lol:
  13. went and checked it out, wasnt it sorry different wheels and paint was more faded. Goodluck with getting it back
  14. I saw a pretty suss looking 300zx on the way to work today.. just where it was parked and the way it was parked, looked like it was just dumped there. I will drive by it again on the way home and check it out for you.
  15. Spotted a black R33 with bling bling wheels in st leonards about 30 min ago
  16. Sl!m

    Tas Whoretown

    HEY! *removes pinned up picture of thread... better.
  17. Sl!m

    Tas Whoretown

    *checks thread.. nothing seems to be happening.
  18. i'll give you $2 do a special on my car :lol:
  19. :werd: Eddie. stylish.
  20. first thing you would probably want to do if we are going to have a really big turn out would be to inform the police oif where we are going. Just common courtesy so nothing happens when a huge amount of cars suddenly show up some where And im sure they would appreciate us letting them now.
  21. Sl!m

    Tas Whoretown

    Sounds like a plan
  22. Sl!m

    Tas Whoretown

    Oi!! :lol: the cameras are only for peta streaking
  23. Sl!m

    Tas Whoretown

    *installs 24 hour security cameras
  24. I think that guy lives down the rd from me
  25. Is it any good? I played the first one and got really bored with it so never got teh second one. they worth it? or do you get over them easily?
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