thats true sam..
Honestly I would prefer to 32.. but thats cos im a fan of the 32 .. So it all depends on what you actually like. look at them both and think about what you would prefer to drive..
Yeh each plate is one point.
When I lived in America I had an unrestricted licence. so I had to gone thru the learners and the provisional licence already. Moved back to australia and they made me go on my P's cos I didnt have my licence for 3 years yet..
nah, im keeping the lancer. Im gonna be living with my sister and bro-in-law. they need a second car.. and ill use it as a daily driver for work aswell
and also next month.. new P platers cant drive turbo cars... so I need to make sure I dont loose my licence and go back to red p's or I wont be able to drive my 32
I've looked at heaps online and in the paper and stuff.. but only a couple have been what im looking for .. checked out a couple that you can tell they have engine trouble as soon as they turn it on... so im hoping this one checks out..only problem is, it isnt registered in NSW, so I will have to get a blue slip for it
ah, nice one. easier when it comes with the mods how long have you had it for?
checking one out this weekend.. ill try and getr the engine checked out, and if its all good ill make an offer for it.. its pretty stock, exhaust and a couple of things