Nothing much man, was the weekend so I dont get to see much of SAU unless I go to my mums place and steal her bandwith
but now the week has begun its time to start whoring
you wouldnt be able to log into anyway because it routes back to You can try going thru but I odnt know if you can post and log in.. ill try and see if I can find another one
what is it with ppl getting drunk and saying somthing on sau then comming back and saying sorry cos they wernt really drunk, but realised that they sounded like a complete ass!!
btw.. /me slaps moonie upside the head wit a side of BEEF!
Yeh.. we can make the Exact time we are metting a secret.. then we can PM the lucky people who are allowed to come LoL
btw.. im joking..anyone is welcome
except john.. cos he is too good to come out with us on a saturday OoOOOoOOo