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Everything posted by Sl!m

  1. OK last one.. lol
  2. One more while I am playing around with photos.. I really need to polish my car though.
  3. Cheers Sidd
  4. one from a series I did today for craved/craved coatings
  5. its being planned no need to bump the thread.
  6. I am into checking out model photography never actually done any though, interested in giving it a go. I think Sidd is starting up now.
  7. bit of a hike.. Might add it on to the trip if I head up to see wayne and kasey again soon. Got any pics of said wall?
  8. yeah but you can't change the steering wheel if it has an airbag in it. Which is why I'm guessing it wasn't changed.
  9. Floor mats? lol
  10. been trying to find some graf like that near me for a photoshoot.. doesnt seem to be anything around my area where I can get a car up to thuogh
  11. 10%.. Been driving with them for almost 4 years now. My passengers window doesnt go down and I can still drive fine at night. It's a bit of a pain at first but you adjust to it.
  12. works fine for me
  13. you can use my 32, but only the passengers side lol. It's a little JDM and a little.. well some thing else.. lol
  14. ps. if you already paid and entered money will be returned to you. (contact Duncan) pps. HALF EDDDIIIE!!!!
  15. before after after that and then now
  16. Imageshack got hacked
  17. heh. looks like he is holding a sparkler
  18. those two look awesome man
  19. I didnt say it was a course chris. I also said it wasn't driver training.
  20. It's not exactly advanced driver training day, but SAU NSW track days and Texi Days are good because they are usually set up so that you have an experienced driver in the car with you when you go out as a newbie and they give you tips on how to drive around the track. in fact........ we have a texi day coming up so for the price of an entry it's worth a look linky http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Te...da-t270833.html
  21. Finished this today.. was an awesome game Well I finished the story mode part of it.. still have a couple side missions and bunch of hidden things to finish, currently at 75% complet.
  22. . spotted a silver 97' R33 Vspec GTR ....
  23. thats gold
  24. more the merrier
  25. I can't see the video at work.. but I'd say this is the same car.. See if you can tell which pics are real and which are from the game.. http://www.gamezine.co.uk/news/games/g/gra...036;1306022.htm
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