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Everything posted by Sl!m

  1. Sounds like a good idea.. would be up for buying one of them !
  2. Spotted Yellow R34 in St Leonards MRRB25 I think the plates were
  3. no worries m8
  4. is this still going?? I might go home and see what I can think up after I finish work if it is.....
  5. Yeh doesnt look like carpet in the shot, looks like some plasticy shiney stuff But looks pretty nicely done
  6. Nice one I likey But its an american comic ?
  7. Ouch.. sorry to hear John.. dont trust chris near ur car.. :jk:
  8. yeh I have plates from QLD, plates from my car in New Mexico and plates from Floirda.. just keept them for the hell of it.. they didnt ask for them back so I didnt give them back
  9. Hey FrinniK, where are doing ur airbrushing course at?? My brother in law does heaps of airbrushing and teaches some classes | | | | V
  10. here is a start... http://skylinesaustralia.com/forums/forumd...isplay.php?f=33
  11. I liked it none the less. The Poodle A Wealthy old lady decided to go on a photo safari in Africa. She took her faithful pet poodle along for company. One day, the poodle starts chasing butterflies and before long the poodle discovers that he is lost. So, wandering about, he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his direction with the obvious intention of having lunch. The poodle thinks, "OK, I'm in deep trouble now!" Then he noticed some bones on the ground close by, and immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat. Just as the leopard is about to leap, the poodle exclaims loudly, "Boy, that was one delicious leopard. I wonder if there are any more around here." Hearing this, the leopard halts his attack in mid-stride, as a look of terror comes over him, and slinks away into the trees. "Whew," says the leopard. "That was close. That poodle nearly had me." Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the leopard. So, off he goes. But the poodle saw him heading after the leopard with great speed, and figured that something must be up. The monkey soon catches up with the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the leopard. The leopard is furious at being made a fool of and says, "Here monkey, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine." Now the poodle sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back, and thinks, "What am I going to do now?" But instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet...and just when they get close enough to hear the poodle says..................... "Where's that damn monkey? I sent him off half an hour ago to bring me another leopard!" "SOMETIMES BULLSH1T AND BRILLIANCE ARE THE SAME"
  12. Damn, those are some nice shots
  13. that looks pretty mad
  14. spotted grey r32 think the plates were BLAKATK and silver 33 on church st parra plates were ZAP 233 I think..
  15. :werd:
  16. heres one for ya
  17. Nicer choice this time mate anyway Welcome aboard.. Love the r32's!! so nice choice
  18. interesting choice of thread to post this in GRUNTN
  19. make it a nice trade, you give me the exhaust and ill give you the suspension
  20. I guess Im going to have to get my suspension over to you soon then
  21. Just spotted GTS 25S again, castle hill this time
  22. lol, no it wasnt you.. thought it might have been at first.. but caught a glimpse of the driver and wasnt you
  23. no it wasnt linda.. get ur own name
  24. Spotted a silver r32 driving down kissing point road yesterday arvo, standard plates.. very clean nice looking 32
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