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Everything posted by Sl!m

  1. I put some more pictures on my fb http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=7525...3174&ref=nf '
  2. rofl @ chicken dippers
  3. Didn't see you enough on the bike eddeh.
  4. eh didnt get any real nice shots. Need a real tripod and an external flash.. awwwwwwww
  5. yay i finally made it home. Thanks Tinks for driving me around today and Thanks Ben for driving me home
  6. eww will be running slightly late...
  7. might charge the camera
  8. Howie - should Have used your flash on the second one to brighten the front of the car
  9. Nice one. Not using a tripod? Should have put the front wheels on a slight angle to show em off
  10. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucken so sick of this game being linked. use the search button.
  11. 25
  12. Spotted a R35 GTR on Epping road last night around 11pm, looked like a dark silver one.
  13. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
  14. cleaned both ends of the lens?`
  15. call just jap for a window
  16. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Wh...re-t228238.html
  17. i like first better.
  18. np's what lens did you use for your moon shots Sidd?
  19. also for anyone else wanting to get some moon shots.. http://www.stardate.org/nightsky/moon/ to see when your can get full moon shot's etc.. also info for stars too
  20. omg Marsss...
  21. No just un loved.
  22. oh i saw that car on pacific hwy last night .. farken bright taillights
  23. Cool well enjoy the RB20!
  24. it's easy to find RB30's. and there is more than enough information on doing the conversions, just check out the search function and away you go.
  25. welcome. what part of the US are you from?
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