Ok I have a 1991 Skyline GTR with the RB26DETT motor and I am having some issues with the car. It all started when i first bought the car it had a cheap-o aftermarket intake and cheap-o blow off valves, which made the car run goofy ( rough idle ) , so i trashed the aftermarket intake and put the stock one back on and left the bov's the same. Here is where I encountered the problem.. I took it to a local shop and they said that one or both of the MAF sensors was bad so i ordered used ones from japan and put them on and it still didnt solve the problem.. so now when i get into boost a tiny bit like around 2500 rpm its almost like the car is fuel cutting..it jolts back and fourth so i have to keep it in a high gear to get anywhere.. even when i push in the clutch and push the gas pedal it wont go past 3000 rpm and it sounds like it has a 2 step rev limiter but i know for sure that it doesnt.. it started out only doing it every so often but its getting worse and worse..my thought it that it may be the fuel injectors? because it used to fuel cut when i was into high boost..here is a short video of what it is doing..