Ummm I take it ur all city people? Its just taken me over half an hour to read this entire thread and i finially relieased something...Im damn lucky to be livin in the country. Admittingly i dont exactly have a "high performance" vehicle (Stock R31 ) but if i wanna do somthing stupid all i have to do is go out the bush and go nuts for a while, get a bit "too" much sideways, scare the crap out of my self and i drove around slow for the next couple of weeks or so, remembering how close it was until i nearly wrapped it around a tree (its never happened so dont ask ). Until of course the confidence creeps up again, then its back out the bush .
Other than that everything said in here is valid one way or another. As for stopping us (P platers) doing stupid things? U can't, so instead give us oppurtunities to screw around...private properties, bush or even supervised runs at tracks. But of course this will only stop the majority of us doing stupid stuff and not the crazy ones on a death wise....also im all for driver training, but can never seem to find the money.