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Everything posted by akeenan

  1. m3gtr . i think you clearly missed my original point. your topic title is a question asking people why we/ they stay or are still staying in Japan. So you are asking why do people live / continue to live in Japan ... no? and my question was when these questions are brought up why do people always tell us why they love japan so much , ... why they chose to come here(for a holiday and not to live) ..... these comments are clearly not what the topic was asking.... although now that I read it again in some ways it is. I thought this thread was going to be a discussion for long term residents about long term residents` life in Japan. not tourists telling us about their 1 week love for the country and what they saw in that time.... no offence to these people of course. thanks man, I still dont understand your interest in my good self. I stll think your being sarcastic hehehe .
  2. why do threads about this stuff always turn into people saying how much they love japan and saying they would love to come back and visit again or asking about work? ... oh and dodgybrooks. . . not doubting your japanaese ability . . . but post up your statement of results. . . . someone with this kind of level shouldnt have "too much trouble" finding a job away from the English thing. I had a few IT job interviews and my japanese isnt that good. m3gtr. the main reason I am still here is because my girl wants 1 more year with her family and we both want to continue saving at the rate we are ... however when april/ may 2009 comes around we are packing up and coming back to OZ. Ive grown very tired of this counrty recently. 1 more year should be about all I can handle. And put me at the 5 and a bit year mark. oh and for people asking about job opportunities in Japan. If you dont speak native Japanese it is hard(but not impossible) to get a job in an area other than teaching english. Its also difficult to get a job in English now.
  3. granthem, that picture is retarded!
  4. they`ll allow me to steal their internet but god forbid if I put my rubbish out the night before it gets collected the shit hits the fan ...
  5. dude this is Japan. land of the rising multiple password unprotected wirless internet connections. I havent paid for internet in about 2.5 years now. And ive been downloading about 10 gigs a week in that time. you should be able to get onto someones internet connection in any builtup area anywhere in japan. near peoples house, shops, stations... the park anywhere. I dont understand why people here dont always use a password. . .
  6. I can confirm that Tokyo is much more dirty than Osaka. Becareful fellow tokyoians (if thats even a word) influenza has hit and many many people are getting sick from it.. especially in setegaya. Feels like death.
  7. many other people have posted r35gtr sightings . . . I myself as well as many others im sure would have enjoyed reading the initial post as well as other posts to follow. Give him a break this time! I found it very interesting to see the exact spot where the owner pulled over for a chat and for a little photo shoot... as its the busiest intersection in the world...literally meters from the zebra crossings. just like you appear to be doing in this thread ... no? you write a "mature reply" you'll get a "mature reply" back . . . monkey see money do . . . Instead of f**king up a thread with bullshit arguments,... no matter if its apparently not necessary or dribble why not take it straight to PM . . .? Its obvious theres some kind of tension between the both of you due to the nature of your post and the rest of the forum doesnt need to know about it! Theres nothing worse than trying to read a topic which is some what interesting but then goes to shit for one reason or another !
  8. akeenan

    Number Plates

    bloody tourists going to Osaka and stealing peoples number plates!
  9. probably lives in setegaya m3gtr. all cars here are registered with 品川 plates.
  10. yes the article says it is the SPECV
  11. damn m3gtr you beat me too it! silly tourists its still closed. might i suggest womb or ageha as an alternative
  12. hehe thats about 5 minutes by bicycle from my house
  13. akeenan

    Japan In March!

    here you are west http://www1.jnto.go.jp/eventcalendar/index...08&month=12 enter the dates and the place you want to go to and it will give you every single event that happens on those dates in the area happy reading dr1ft.jp is this ok?
  14. not english but its funny
  15. akeenan

    Japan In March!

    1.) I use to own a skyline when I was living in OZ 2.) Since joining this forum(which was many years before your good self ) I have enjoyed reading (and still do enjoy reading) what other people are doing with their cars. I never said I was uninterested in skylines mr dr1ft.jp . I do have an interest in cars but that is not the reason I am living in Japan. That is the reason why I still continue to read SAU. I think quiet possibly I am the only Japan resident on SAU whose life isnt involved with cars in some way or another. Hence why I could not help the thread starter with information regarding events around the beginning of March. I do know about the weather very well though. If you have any further questions regarding my lameness please dont hesitate to ask. Hell seen as how you are drift Japan we should even meet up for a beer next time you grace Japan with your presence. However, please do try to quote me correctly sorry west. back on topic
  16. akeenan

    Japan In March!

    the weather has warmed up by that time. its a really good time to come to japan in my opinion as for events ... wouldnt have a clue. Im not here for cars
  17. sorry . im in 世田谷 . are you asking if there is a company that rents cars to people for use only on the track? . . . just rent a car from a normal rental shop and go for your life i have never come across anything other than fugas and v35s for rental for a reasonable price(20,000円)
  18. west not trying to be a bastard but is english your first language? sorry for asking . .
  19. wait till you see one in real life. They look totally different I saw another one yesterday
  20. it was outside
  21. saw this tonite
  22. this evening on my way to buying new gear for the snow season i spotted what i thought was an r35 across the street. as i wasnt wearing my glasses and had consumed a few gin and tonics this couldnt be confirmed till later. but what a wonderful site, sitting alone in a car dealership park with no one watching/ worrying over it/ caring that im taking photos and getting close to it.... beautiful shape, beautiful wheels, beautiful backseat . . . . . .. it really is great the point of this thread is basically HA HA HA.... I DIDNT EVEN WANNA SEE ONE BUT I DID !!!!! HA HAH HA >>end
  23. shouldnt the people you purchased this from done it for you? . . .
  24. i would suggest staying somewhere "more in the action". Shinagawa is a business district. People either work there or stay in the hotels wandering the streets. There is nothing to do there at night. For people going to Japan for the first time/ first couple of times I would suggest either staying in or very close to either Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ginza, Roppongi etc etc It may cost a little more but if you want to experience "the big japanese cities" and "their night life" its a far better location. And there is always something to do no matter what night of the week it is. Also, saying that shinagawa is only 10 minutes from all the places tourists visit is a down right dirty big lie... infact it couldnt be further from the truth If people want advice about going to Japan it should be done by those who actually know what they are talking about
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