heres another story about police being ****s.... I was driving my mums car one afternoon along east boundary road i was driving 65km/h (it being a 70km/h zone). I was in the left lane not doing a thing wrong. The next thing i know im getting pulled over by a cop on a bike. IM like WTF????(oh shit my p plates) i get out of the car straight away and the cop says to me "dont worry you have done nothing wrong" and I said "why have I just been pulled over then?" and he says "its just a random check" im thinking to myself "&*$(^#$^$^$^&" in the end i got fined $120 for my p plates. I didnt mind this so much because i knew it was my fault but what really pissed me off was the fact he pulled me over when I was doing nothing wrong and the fact that he admited he pulled me over for no reason for just a random stop....
The point im trying to make here is that this is proof that they are trying to raise revenue??? and it pisses me off! i wasnt doing anything "obviously wrong"(except my p plates werent displayed) and i get pulled over anyhow??