if your mate wasnt japanese whats the point getting it in japanese. especially when its obvious (even though you have a soft spot for hiragana block/ house looking/ characters?....?..) you have no idea about them. no offence intended  Also i think a lot of japanese/ non japanese would find a tattoo like this some what amusing especially if they have knowledge about the japanese language(something I guess you would not want)... especially if you just translate english into another languages alphabet. ...strange... get it in english.
ps: sometimes i cant see the japanese too... usually after an edit or something but then it comes back..... possible glitch?
if ur going to use that $3000 to pay for hotels too its going to be a very very cheap/ uneventful trip. Id personally wait a and come travel here when you have more money. Why come all the this way and see 5%.
your looking for a cheap turbo car... and your worried about petrol.... ? sounds to me like you should be looking at something a little more economical
I just want to know if Gti-r's are any good and if they are worth the money, I would prefer to hear from those who currently own or have previously owned one.
I think this is what both of you are trying to say
I sold mine before I went overseas and am very happy I did. Because I havent come back. That was over 3 years ago. Oh and I also got 19.2k for a fairly stock 93 r33. As n15m0 said these things depreciate. Look how much the price of r33s(mine being the example) have depreciated in the last few years.
I would never do that and ive been living here for a while now. waste of time/ waste of money/ it would be a huge headache and a waste of the trip.
take the train way easier. theres a reason why the train system is so good and why most japanese people use it to go everywhere.
no smart arseness intended.. just wondering why you would want to make a sticker thats all. anyway.. each to their i guess.
I also wonder why the japanese language every couple of months takes on board a new english word and it becomes part of their language...
the only reason that has been explained to me is because they think its cool
guess that answers everything.....
滑る ;) but it isnt a direct translation.
ドリフトッタズ is what i would write...
i wonder why if you know nothing about the language your trying to translate to why you would want it in that langauge? i often wonder about these kinds fo things with people