Its about time... not being insensitve or antything. but im tired of f**king ちかんす(chickansu) on the trains. For those who dont know chickansu are f**king desperate business men(usually) who touch up women/girls on crowed trains in Japan. Its a very serious crime.If they are caught they lose their job and basically can never get another respected job ever again. In the past year I have saved a high school girl from one of these animals and also a lady in her 20`s from these low lifes. God help me if i witness another on a crowed train>,00.html
Not being harsh but im happy......
these would be reported assults... id say that one ちかん(CHIKAN) assult happens on every busy train monday to friday....(at the minumum)
most of my female friends in Japan can tell me a story about this happening
it makes me sick...... japan is known for being polite from the outside >>> but form the inside>>> WTF.... sorry im angry