2 years ago i was having major problems with my hicas..... noone could figure out what was happening not the mechanics... not the nissan hicas test software not nothing.... the light always used to come on when doing low speeds...
the reason why it was coming on was because small fragments from the broken horn button had found they're way into the path of the steering angle sensor. I could make the hicas light come on when doing U turns, when going around corners really on cue....
When taking these corners these bits of plastic moved infront of the sensor blocking the information the sensor need to adjust the rear wheels so hence the light came.
question: If hicas only works at speeds above 80km/h why was my light coming on? I wasnt taking these corners/ u turns at 80km and above...... If it does only work 80 and above there would be no need for the sensor to try and read the angle of my steering wheel.
my conclusion: IT OPERATES BELOW 80km/h
once I found the bits of plastic and removed them I never had a problem again. Everything else was working fine as the entire car was tested using a hicas/ nissan computer in bayswater.
and no I dont park at 35-40kmp/h.
I am speaking from personal experience not from what I have read.