why does everyone try and get out of their speeding fines when they admit that they were breaking the law? just think yourself lucky that you werent clocked at 140.
mine only has 4 seat belts. i think they are really only supposed to be 4 seat cars as the middle in the back seat isnt really a seat more a divider for both sides. Actually I'm not 100% sure check the underneath for thread holes etc..
mine is a 93
um? autobarn is a bit of a topic at the moment :confused: well i just rang an autobarn store about 35 minutes drive from my house because the local one coiuldnt get what i wanted.
no seriously. i remember reading something a few months ago about some spot. plus ive seen photos of them on the docks... but i guess you'd know a little more
i was going to buy one of those 1/43 models. one in a tude but i decided to go the r34 should bought them all.
yes your talking about australian delivery like the early r32 gtrs and some for one would prefer to import one. everything which comes outta japan importing wise is always better.(usually)
i used metho and water on mine it works better now. everyone is going to suggest exactly the same as previously suggested. SO if someone has suggested something and it works afterwards id say your safe. mine still works and it runs alot nicer then before. although i did it a long time ago.
this goes against everything i have ever believed in. just re trim everything in leather. i dont know what youve done to your seats but mine are certainly not uncomfortable
good work champ! dont worry to much about her not being ready... although this is a little confusing , at least she didnt laugh and point. ive had that before hang in there. ive got a feeling
if i wasnt sick and didnt feel like i was about to die this week i would be there for sure. I'm staying clear of the public in general, dont want to make anyone sick especially with what ive got.