as i said being responsible . . . ive been shot with an air rifle and it doesnt tickle, ive also been shot with and air rifle pellet ricochet and that too doesnt tickle... imagine another person being hit with a ricochet pellet, or shrapnel or anything cause of you shooting in your garage! . .
however as for your last question. If you do decide to apply for a category A and B longarm license. You have to join a club. As that is the reason for you wanting to apply to have a rifle license... to shoot targets. Now, you dont have to attend the range so often. I dont live in Australia and I am still able to hold my license.... when I was living in Australia I would go to the range maybe once every 2 months, maybe 3... maybe 6. Once you have the license there isnt really any rule how often you go.
If you want to obtain a pistol license and join a pistol club though... you have to attend meetings every so often and go shooting more regulary...... that is the reason why our air pistol was sold.
Also if your going to go to a range and have decided to do the right thing and not shoot targets in your garage, dont be a pussy! Buy a real gun 222, 308 or something there no point buying a pissy air rifle when you can get something a lot more poweful with the same license.