Event: Northern cruise.
After the great success of our Easter cruise it's time to start planning the next one and this time we're heading north. We will be meeting at Forgan Cove and then heading out to Dayboro and over Mt Mee to woodford for a quick stop in Woodford. From there we will be heading out to the hills around the Sunshine coast and down into Caloundra for lunch at the Golden Beach Tavern. Route map HERE.
Location: We will be meeting up at Forgan Cove, HERE.
Date: Sunday the 29th of June.
Time: Meet at 9:00 am for a 9:30 am departure.
Cost: Fuel and lunch.
Requirements: CB Radios if you have them.
Since I will be booking tables for lunch could you please advise me if you are coming and if you have any passengers.
Cadmoon +2 t5iv melly +1 AndrewK34 +3 Chris Rogers MAG1CK Ants (as long as he isn't a shit bloke) danhfvcsd HiveFleetAbyss Beastz the_brendon Exelero hot_c210 Karl_33 $$slowmedown gts032