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Everything posted by Cadmoon

  1. Chrome on the badge?
  2. Got the front bar fixed Pete?
  3. This is what you need to know about business trader ads.
  4. It's not hot enough here yet.
  5. Does this mean I need to bust out the air con?
  6. What about Hank?
  7. How did I know you would name him that...
  8. Told you it was.
  9. I hope he is building one capable of turning.
  10. Not much Clint, given said pug a name yet?
  11. I am, it works on my computer but not on my phone. https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Unknown+road&daddr=-27.3987382,152.785039+to:-27.3877709,152.7848912+to:-27.2448768,152.4279171+to:-27.1080541,152.5583123+to:-26.9674691,152.6564319+to:Mount+Mee+Rd%2FState+Route+58&hl=en&ll=-27.21922,152.814331&spn=0.63503,1.056747&sll=-27.293689,152.553406&sspn=1.269196,2.113495&geocode=FXqkXf4d7tAdCQ%3BFa7tXf4dj1AbCSnbW_FpcauWazHg-xLNWqMCEw%3BFYYYXv4d-08bCSn52ikDC6uWazFgPrnNWqMCEw%3BFbRGYP4djd0VCSmRpUR7DCCUazFwnQxY8e4AEw%3BFSpdYv4d6NoXCSmfsd6TpxCUazGhVb548e4AEw%3BFVOCZP4dL1oZCSnrVT5cRA2UazFwX7TMWqMCEw%3BFbYGYf4davAbCQ&t=h&mra=mrv&via=1,2,3,4,5&z=11 That's the full link from google maps, that one work?
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