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Everything posted by Cadmoon

  1. Poweraid and bacon?
  2. Like someone's P/S fluid?
  3. That's because he just revs to 3k and sits there with his foot on the brake cooking the tranny fluid till the light goes green and he lets off the brake. Farken shit bloke right there.
  4. And I don't listen to shit blokes.
  5. Twas Thursday night, she did nothing
  6. All down to the launch. Best I could manage was a 14.44 and my car is almost identical to Bodo's, even down to tyres.
  7. Only because you and Chants like to drink and not have to drive
  8. Remember that time you busted Bec's ear open?
  9. Morning Tony, what's cracking?
  10. So the charity cruise is to Nicks driveway this year? I bet he would love 50+ Skylines ripping skids on his drive/
  11. Get the external mic for it? They are awesome for action shots and such but like you said, crap for general video gear.
  12. Tony shall never live down the day he mercilessly attacked a defenceless girl with a glasses case...
  13. Morning whores.
  14. Sucks man, I bought mine after it was nicked and then recovered before it was burnt out so I have do replace the barrel/door/boot locks and all plastics on the column. Good luck mate.
  15. I highly recommend you swing past Chris. I attended one of his security nights and it is amazing how fast someone who knows what they are doing can have them started even with a 'professionally' installed alarm/immobiliser.
  16. Was an awesome day guys, sadly for nick the abomination still wasn't the fastest or most dragster sounding car but it does look and sound fairly mean for a POS LS1 Skyline.
  17. That is what he needs but he won't go.
  18. Same Chris, farken long day ahead.
  19. Possibly
  20. Change of plans. Since Tony is being a shit bloke I'm not going to his, I'm just gonna go for a drive then a ride
  21. Git farked. Ok.
  22. So I don't have to come to theexec meeting and give up my time for free? Awesome.
  23. I'm heading to Tonys before dinner...
  24. Sarp whores?
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