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Everything posted by Cadmoon

  1. Like a pre workout. Except it makes you lose your self control and become very impressionable?
  2. Night Ants.
  3. This, Tony...we need more of your drugs
  4. Whores like attention
  5. Yes. I EXPECT CONTINUAL WHORING! Or I get bored
  6. Where did all you whores go? No love!
  7. Because my hawt date to Jim Richards is hawter than yours?
  8. ...use a lot of refined mineral oil...
  9. I'll just tag along to get drunk and try help hook Martin and Greg up
  10. Tony lies...he pays me
  11. I vote we go to the Regatta...
  12. Do I need to delete my account now?
  13. Nothing a hedge trimmer wont fix
  14. Yah...fuark...
  15. I don't think Tony is talking about a boys night this time.
  16. So you're in?
  17. +1 Oh no...does this mean she read all our other posts?
  18. Sounds like someone has a case of the pussy
  19. I said I was.
  20. Poor Chantalle...I feel for ya bra.
  21. Not usually, about 20 mins is fine
  22. Some women are...for a short while
  23. Yah it's very good.
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