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Everything posted by Kel

  1. Oi! What ever happened to the old "what goes on tour stays on tour" agreement
  2. The best lesson my dad ever taught me was if you can't afford to lose it you shouldn't use it Even the best protected car can be stolen (first hand experience speaking here) so if you don’t own it (or have spent too much on it) comprehensive insurance is a must.
  3. i'll be there have a work do until 6 so will arrive a bit later looking forward to meeting up with some of the old sau pisshead
  4. how good was that result! go team voda
  5. Heh heh - who is the (wo)man by the way???!!!
  6. So Ben- when are we doing the nudie run? Sad to see that tosser come third but honestly don't give a shite since my Lowndsie man won
  7. 7 laps to go and I'm scared- think i need a diet please go Lowndsie!!!!
  8. LMAO- I'll join you in that run Ben, provided I get to use a few strategically placed checkered flags No comments about waxing please Neily. Seriously, Junior gives me the shites - I'm so sick of seeing him make a goose of himself, posturing and whining about absolute crap thanks to the new rule letting drivers say what they like to the media. And don't get me started on the talent thing. I'm sure Junior can steer, but (fastest lap today aside) I'm also sure there are plenty of drivers with more talent watching the v8s on the tellie this weekend, cos their dad's aren't former champs/ own their own race outfits. Funny how that last statement could be applied to LOTS of the V8 field today
  9. haha thanks Neil I'm going for a Team Vodafone win this weekend.
  10. Sorry meant to add congrats on being so close to a full licence- what/where have you been racing (and sorry if that's an ignorant questions, I haven't been on SAU much these days).
  11. We'll hopefully be racing in the NSW state champs enduro in the last weekend of October at Oran Park. I don't think there will be as many categories running as usual but should mean lots of track time for us
  12. First things first- good on Lee H for a brilliant result. It was nice to see a new face on the podium. Also good to see a bit of aggression back in the racing- it's been far too nice recently Now... time to bag seven/AVESCO for their absolute piss poor coverage this season. They seemed to get things off to a good start with less crap talk between the V8 races and more focus on the support categories. It almost made the mundane whining of commentators like Grant Denier bearable. But their decision to stop races short (mentioned often on air today as being at 3pm if the 46 laps didnt come first) is appalling. Now this might suit seven's AFL contract but it shows no respect to motor racing fans not to mention the winners, and sponsors who are denied race time and footage of the podium, all so we can see AFL commentators talking their crap!
  13. A hypothetical question… What do you reckon the family of that couple killed in the incident earlier this week in Western Sydney- "allegedly" as a result of one or more persons street racing- think of this topic? I have no in depth knowledge of this case- other than what I have read & researched in the last few days. However, the friends and family of Alan and Judith Howle now have a very good understanding of this topic. And like them, I wouldn't care if someone stopped the "alleged" idiot/s well before they got to the point of harming someone- the method of catching them is in my opinion a technicality. You decide how you act and react on the roads- no one else. Is it more or less dangerous to misbehave when you’re challenged to a ‘race’ on the street by a cop? Who cares- you’re still misbehaving, in my opinion. Put another way (which I think I’ve said before) if you are stupid enough to engage in what is deemed as criminal activity on the roads - you are still breaking the law and it’s fair game if you get caught. Whether you’re being egged on or not by a cop is just a technicality. You have the choice of ignoring the behaviour of the other driver- cop or not- it seriously should not matter. We all have free will and hopefully some judgement- we should exercise it. Apparently it’s what makes us different from all the other animals.
  14. ummmm did I forget to tell you I told the guys to send the DVDs together....
  15. I once took the old Saab convertible round Bathurst with the cruise control set to 60- now that was a bit of fun. 60 probably sounds slow but on road tyres it made the top of the mountain and the turn onto the straight very tricky (Not to mention the fact that I was sticking to the right side of the white lines!). The speed weekend is a big investment - I'd be more inclined to do the Bathurst Light Car Club event the weekend before (?).
  16. heh heh- that was the cut down version of the spin- I have a few more I can send you if you like!
  17. Thanks to everyone involved in another great SAU trackday- it was especially good to see alot of first timers out there. Thanks also to David and Anna for being crazy enough to let me tell you where to go Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to take many pics, but here's a few snapped in the last few sessions.. (PM me if you own one of the cars shown and don't want it posted here). Kel
  18. If you trust the word of 888 and Alcon, there was no advantage/performance improvement from using the old spec discs (older and heavier apparently). Most teams do hot laps for corporates etc at rounds so I'm inclined to believe they had the old discs with them for this reason- stop being a cynical Grumpy Old Bugger Neily
  19. Can't actually comment on BJ as a driver- the constant whining and whinging of big Kimmy was enough to put me off that team forever.
  20. It's taking a while to get our pics sorted. In the meantime, here's some shots of the gorgeous Autosalon models with the SAU cars & merchandise....
  21. Sorry for not posting up my pics yet - there are a few to go through and it's been a crazy week. Should have some up tomorrow night. Kel
  22. Sorry to have run off early guys. Big thanks to everyone for hanging around to help Duncan get the Raceworx cars back on the trailers. Even bigger thanks to the stellar SAU crew who made this all possible- we may not have won any awards but this was a brilliant effort and definitely a credit to the club. Kel
  23. Thanks- it has seen some improvements since that last Show and Shine! BTW the car will be on display at Autosalon this weekend as part of the SAU NSW entry. Definitely not your standard show car but will hopefully mix things up a little. It should still hold its own, thanks to the amazing Louie at Exclusive Colours offering to respray the front end this week to get her back looking presentable. The boys are still negotiating the entry of 811 (Mark's car) Apparently Autosalon have some reservations when it comes to a tiny bit of panel damage.....
  24. IN IN IN IN (etc etc etc) The bastards won't let a crashed up race car in so we still need to shake it up a little
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