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Leroy Peterson

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Everything posted by Leroy Peterson

  1. f*k cats. at least guinea cops or rabbits mow the grass.
  2. she got a whole bunch of tests done after feeling consistently unwell, reguarly after eating certain things. we went on a holiday and she was feeling like crap basically every night. she passed the gluten test, but proved intolerant to fructose. as with any intolerance it differs per person, but the most annoying foods to avoid for her are.... apples, pears, oranges, onion, garlic, avocado, ciders, foods with heavy fruit juice/concentrates, gluten-heavy foods (bread, cereal, pasta). so basically a half-assed gluten-free diet with certain food removed. and we've slowly figured out whats ok (peas, beans, mushrooms and others in moderation) in small amounts. i cook with onion and garlic but remove them or she picks it out. none of its life-threatening stuff, its just avoiding being unwell. and taking medication after meals is a poor approach people take.
  3. Save that one for Honda owners. Every civic, Integra and s2000 I saw on the weekend (over 2 different car meets) were limiter bashing wherever they went.
  4. ^ i still do that.... till the missurs became fructose intolerant. but when she aint home... 22 courses? goddamn. i did 12-15 once and it was intense. i felt disrespectful for not being able to eat anymore, physically. and i only had like 3 drinks. otherwise would have exploded. I also dont like sitting down grazing like a cow for 5 hours.
  5. Not sure if Westside joke or reference to Riverside Racing (also Westside)Feel for the team though... Second round of the year and second sports sedan car fire Also, beer between each course? That's either a long-ass meal or drinking very quickly. Either is not desirable when out and about eating good food
  6. mmm chartruese. been off it for a while and then had some the other night with lemon cordial. made me remember why i used to rave on about decent spirits. had a few too many beers over the course of last week and felt like crap overall. will make the change. i need me a decent cocktail making set and some whiskey glasses (im not into whiskey, its for the new front table in the gloria) do versace sell whiskey glasses?
  7. bitches love champagne coloured diamonds.
  8. I like the new bonnet (not pictured)
  9. Yeah that would suck. My track history is very poor. Sandown: few sessions learning, snapped alternator belt cost 3 hours. PI: 2 novice sessions, clutch and sandwich plate fails, 2 more sessions with no clutch on downshift. Winton: 4-5 sessions, misfire developed. Sandown: session one strips aluminium wheel nuts. Session 2 motor blows. Sandown: smooth sailing. Scare Simon with smoke in cabin due to poor catch can setup. Calder: car at tuners, run into problems, 0 sessions (least it drove home) Winton: 1x 50% session, half a passenger lap then motor blows. So yeah only ever had 1 full track day.
  10. was surprised to see it was manual. and early model pop-up headlights. looks 1000x better.
  11. What are you doing with this one? You and Alvin and grant and Platts should start a used car yard
  12. Holy Jesus that's a tight fit... I know a number of people who hate working on v35s but hopefully for your sake it'll be manageable once it's all hooked up
  13. that D1R race pedigree also, big car meet under the bolte tonight. been i while since i been under there.
  14. and you wonder why people dont like honda owners... though i like the dog, its a good idea for scraps parts.
  15. Looks pretty good chief.
  16. +1 have a bride rail in the pulsar and theyre shit. left the drivers side out, wasnt worth the install.
  17. err i got nothing 'gainst you cowboy... but umm there is already something called Bass Link. Underwater DC cable that tassie supplies to victoria (for a profit during peak loading) due to their abundance of hydro generators. and unfortunately a lot of the time these sorts of decisions arent made by government, just allowed by them, because there are private companies that generally plan and research these sorts of ideas. and make sure theyre profitable and generally keep most people happy. ...unlike the desal.
  18. picked up a retail version. bit peeved it doesnt use steam... but saved myself a couple of days not downloading 65gb. but i have to give credit to rockstar, they seem to have learnt a few lessons from the GTA 4 release on PC. social club is functional and minimal, game performance in great, solid options for graphics, they seemed to have re-hashed the controls and made use of the additional keyboard buttons/interface. graphics are really really impressive. an open world has never looked this good. there are problems, and most are to do with the game itself, rather than the port. for example, the default action for anything is to load your offline game. the benchmark test is rooted if you havent finished the first mission lol https://youtu.be/opDL4hLUhIA?t=1m30s online is the same as consoles... something fails to load or you get booted, straight to free mode or offline mode. no menus, no options for what to do next. very frustrating. also frustrating, left the PS3 update for a few hours to make sure my online character save properly, then had to re-install windows media player, then PC took ages to install all 7 DVDs, then rock social updates, then 2 hours to download +5gb game updates... ill probably play for a few more hours enjoying the scenery and the details (oh god, so many details) then will start using mods and trainers and actually have some fun.
  19. Dirt... lol. for some fun i recommend checking out Bugbears early-access game Wreckfest. its a hoot. hoping with some more aussies on board i can finally get an online race going.
  20. IMO, spend decent money on stuff you're not going to replace in the near future. screen is important, CPU, motherboard. GPU's come and go. memory can easily be replaced too. i also think you can go without an SSD on that budget. i think money would be best spent elsewhere. you can always get one later when doing a fresh install. i used to be an nvidia man (and i dont doubt theyre good cards) but their software started coming with too much bullocks. so i tried the R9 280X and ive had a few niggles with brand new games, ill admit. But im playing GTA 5 right now and its doing a great job (other than 1 small common problem ). solid frames on high settings and im using almost all the 3gb of memory it has.
  21. does that mean you're getting an Evo 10? or going to have another baby?
  22. what needs helping? my skills are... "niche"
  23. SAU championship is easy on iracing, so I'll stick to it for the moment. I 've spent a bit of time on Assetto but found the street cars pretty dull overall.
  24. So is that your absolute maximum budget? What games would you ideally like to run? Generally all the cables you need come with the motherboard
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