have optus. reception issues in mordialloc, frankston, anywhere remote-ish. phone calls were pretty poor in clayton too.
Telstra reception is great. shame their prices and service is retarded. (but whose isnt?)
stick it to the man, man.
saw a strange car on the road today. an older man, driving a de-badge toyota or some sort... i suspect a AE95 JDM sedan. Stock everything except a towel across the back seats. It was beyond pristine. the rear mud guards were like brand new, the paint put most show'n'shiners to shame. the chrome on the (stock?) dual exhausts looked fresh.
Did someone really do a full restoration on what im pretty sure was a late-80's corolla?
Had classic (not historic) white text on black numberplates. the old skool ones before green.
Went to Kobe Jones for 8 courses last night. Was good... Though not up to scratch with other restaurants of the same caliber. Give me shoya any day.
And something about the open-air lesbian Australia day party on the other side of the glass pump in Shit house music for the 3 hours we were there spoiled it a bit.
All the Ellen Degeneres clones...
really, you cant make a shit shine like gold. if its crap or old paint, it will never be the worlds best car detail. do you pay them to come over and say "well theres ya problem. sorry, we're not miracle workers"
i just dont get why you need to get an engagement ring AND a wedding ring...
sisters engagement party tonight. says on the invitation "No gifts please". go to my parentals... "you better get them a gift!" why? "cause your family"
weddings pls. farkin gives permission to be retarded and charge money for it. its like GTR tax cept that shit is fo'eva
Probably the remnants of a previous skyline that was stolen months ago and is now being pieced together like a Frankenstein GTR to be sold to unsuspecting buyers
a project leader i worked with in QLD was a jetski nut.
was useless at his job, lived on gold coast, maori background (born in NZ), had 2 jetskis, no kids, late 30's and worked 2-on 2-off
#definitionofFIFO #whycantdecentpeoplegetjobs
Queenslands first bogan golf tournament.
it would be like a those volunteer search crews, walking through large spaces of bush armed with golf clubs. or maybe the worlds biggest cane-toad proof fence. cause it worked well for the rabbits.
^that sounds pretty normal to me. Once it's on its way to compliance I dont think the importer should be ringing around checking up on your car. I had the details of the transport company who informed me once it arrived in my city, but from there it got picked up by someone local.
From compliance till registration really isn't importers problem unless something has occurred from either during transport or from the auction house.
Waiting for compliance , getting a certificate and finally registration has nothing to do with the importer either.