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Leroy Peterson

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Everything posted by Leroy Peterson

  1. haha I would rather have a table for one than bring parents along. there are plenty of people between the spectrums and even the polars can be really cool people. just two noteworthy people I thought fit the stereotype in a depressing way. birds, what you speak of about the searching for something if ladies open up (their minds/hearts). it certainly drags me along even though until now I hadn't really thought about the 95% of the times the knowledge gained was nowhere near the worth the effort it took to get it. in gaming terms, it's like an MMO. much heartache, grinding and adult diapers for a very small return. just settle with what you can get cause it's not worth the effort and is a much better investment?
  2. is there a reason you want to go turbo, or just because? if money is tight, why not play around with N/A for a bit? unless looking for large gain you still need exhaust + tune/flash of some sort. might as well do drips and drabs?
  3. the other kind i know are at the other end of the spectrum... working at bars, failing studies, lying to parents about said studies + life in general, hair budget exceeding food budget and constantly posting selfies and/or hand gestures. a real winner.
  4. i semi-dated chinese once... something about the forceful parents, dedicating life to studies, disapproving grandparents who lived at home, who also didnt trust anyone with a beard and who also didnt understand why i wasnt studying because my profession isnt translated well in chinese (pick a language)... made it hard for a relationship. and she was pretty sheltered. aka didnt want sex. just lots of public affection. a real winner.
  5. if some one has a copy, can they please PM me for link/email? Thanks. (also, updated link to M45 english user manual contents page: http://www.nicoclub.com/FSM/M/)
  6. my phone is in struggletown. buttons broken, unresponsive etc. i stopped updating it for a number of reasons. time to move on. might put work phone on iOS7
  7. bourbon & coke + lemon, lime bitters = $20. i'd rather a kebab and a coke tbh. or being pommy, might take you to a good curry joint.
  8. thanks for the tip.says new update requires iOS7. time for new phone
  9. SAU still isnt working on iphone tappatalk.. app is up to date and everything...
  10. havent practiced, dont think im gonna make it
  11. Rajab urinates E85 He turns petrol to water. Oh wait, that was his son.
  12. I've been to Le Mans before where they promoted a qualifying + 2 races and it didnt happen either. safe bet is qual + 1 race.
  13. lol @ grants avatar
  14. unless its an illest shirt. cause everything illest is f**king amazing and it doesnt make me want to shoot myself and/or others in the face.
  15. thats bullocks. try again soon. if they say no for garage or daily driver... well not much you can do.
  16. daily driver? not garaged?
  17. wasteland suddenly got all westside today.
  18. too drunk to askd pub waitress out... find out shes still in high school *awkward* ill just go back to my room and feel bad for myself and others. depressing night is depression,
  19. Apple update says all apps all up to date ??Im the only one with all my teeth at the pub and cant get the young(ish) girl at the local pub. Disappoint
  20. Yeah its very bright and handy. Not sure if waterproof
  21. ouch at the earth thing. i recently bought one of these:http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/310876695793?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 aldi were selling them too. pretty handy.
  22. Bloody forum not working on tapatalk...
  23. Z436 filter. 10W40. from what i could find on the interwebs: ATF is fine on the 4AT. few people confused over pads and rotors, so cant confirm. only information was for M45's which may or may not be the same calipers. currently looking at wheel sizes for these and people are fitting huge wheels but im concerned about hitting suspension or needing guards rolled. nissan website indicates 215/50R17's fitted to stock wheel... so im thinking 19x9's if fits without stretched tyres (not sure on what offset though). http://history.nissan.co.jp/GLORIA/Y34/0404/LINEUP/index.html
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