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Leroy Peterson

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Everything posted by Leroy Peterson

  1. the event tony posted earlier today. meeting at mt waverly
  2. ice cream is only really needed for milkshakes if you dont have coconut cream. zooper doopers all da way mang changed oil, filter and fuel filter after work so havent got much left to do tonight except pack tools. so will go to christmas light spectating to run oil in a bit.
  3. no cruise tonight, gotta prep the car for sandown tomorrow. will get a grinder tonight and some of those foam abrasive pads to clean up the glue. looking forward to spit roast and pizza.
  4. am game. also, fb link didnt work.
  5. GTiR is ugly, heavy, prone to breaking gearboxes and full of overpriced optionals. you wouldnt believe what a GTiR umbrella and umbrella holder sells for these days.
  6. yeah with things like stamp duty and even just a deposit, an extra $5k-10k is really worth it. #rentallyf mmm turbos. makes me moist in the loins for the GTX. http://www.speedhunters.com/2013/12/nismo-gt-r/#chapter-aero-counts
  7. cars gaining value over time is all well and good, but the challenge is keeping them. need money for house, or need bigger house/garage to accomodate cars + upkeep costs and posssible repairs, rebuilds, paint jobs, $1200 a/c compressors *cough* etc. but i reckon once you get to the club permit age, you're laughing cause then suddenly it makes the car even more attractive with $100 rego.
  8. of course, i remember thinking this, re-reading it, ignoring it, and then taking the picture anyway. my bad.
  9. inb4 government payout for having numerous children + baby bonus
  10. i cant believe that. thats just retarded... i just *blank* brain fail. beer time, got all boot sound deadening removed. rest now, mcflurry time later. is this the light holder Miguel was after?
  11. buy back cheap, restore to former glory & rep, sell for profit.
  12. yo alvin, just googled your sig. is it any good? (from a person who watched some Black Lagoon and didnt enjoy it)
  13. yeah i'd pay that. GT3 criticism: improve AI and menu system GT4 criticism: improve music and AI GT5 criticism: improve sound, music, UI and menu system GT6 criticism: improve sound, music and AI
  14. 145kw! what a monster. would almost break traction.
  15. leather can suck sweaty balls though. day like this, would be like rubbing up against someones naked grandma.
  16. lol @ all the above. he chose to do it and not spend $100 on SSS seats. I dont blame him for getting sick of the public transport-esque patterns.
  17. not after like an hour drying apparently. friend of mine used and said it was weird and messy, but turned out ok if you tape it up properly. Not a colour i'd use on factory interior, but would be fine for bucket seats
  18. nothing says christmas like some latin disco dance dance dance!
  19. my passenger seat is a second hand Sparco i got for $250. faded and squashed cushions, so got it reupholstered. didnt know interior/fabric paint existed or else I would have just sprayed it. oh well. so faded is easily repaired. tears are tricky though.
  20. tapatalk still not working. oh well dat productivity.
  21. lol not that shit again... settled for silver after about an hour
  22. worst job in the world. every light coloured metal in the pic was covered in sound deadening. dry ice not helping
  23. called vicroads a while ago asking what hoops needed to jump through the change engine number on already-engineered vehicle. said just bring a letter from mechanic with details and signature and youre good to go. sweet. rock-up, fill in the form, lady checks the new engine number isnt from a stolen vehicle, all good. "where have you parked the car?" "err its not here" "we need to inspect it" *sigh* Sure enough the website says you need to show the physical engine number. ma bad fingers crossed they keep any thoughts on road-worthiness to themselves and just focus on engine number.
  24. hahaha, messed up. you wouldnt see it on a chocolate one A45 AMG tried to drag me on beach road tonight... in other news: http://theshovel.com.au/2013/12/15/abc-comes-clean-mr-squiggle-was-a-puppet/
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