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Leroy Peterson

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Everything posted by Leroy Peterson

  1. pulsar.org.augone over usage on work 3G capped on net at home. both not my fault. Not happy jan.
  2. I havent got anything sorryHow much you looking to spend? Theres a few wheels for sale cheap on PGA. Check it out or make an account.
  3. Yeah bro. All pulsars are except N16 (and probably B17) If youre talking about my pulsar specifically... It runs 4x114.3 hubs re-drilled to 4x100
  4. I do them to unlock more car mods. My pink scooter and Sandking XL need some more loving. Super pissed off at some of the % spawn rates for average cars. Blista's are next to impossible to find if not low level, even in single player. The commercial vans are cool too, slammed on tuner wheels with rollbar and white wall tyres. bawlla
  5. pfft doesnt even have a bonnet. probably ran out of money. POS
  6. Tip top tip for buying old battlefield games: no server support because they all jump on the latest BF to keep up with demand. I bought bad company 2 a few weeks before BF3 came out. werent any games to join once it came out.
  7. looks the goods. I love that halls gap run. 7pm onwards on Friday night, streets are empty. Too many MX5s and Evos on the weekends. and if you're feeling energetic, climbing Mt Difficult is good fun too
  8. ergh those VWs make me angry. I keep returning to speedhunters for some reason and it always makes me feel better about myself.
  9. housemates capped internet for the rest of the week, so im out
  10. youve got like 6 mins to edit a post or something. Looks the goods Moh. wheels are gonna need a clean... hope you hold onto them, suit the car i reckon
  11. Not quite that simple. Was orginally put together when Tickford was bought by Prodrive (UK) and started a partnership alongside Ford. Wasnt until 2012 that Prodrive ditched FPV and it was soley operated and owned by ford.
  12. is it much? worth standing in queue for 4 hours at vicroads for and probably not getting much help?
  13. even total tools stock some kits.
  14. wheres the deets? busy time with work atm though, so we'll wait and see
  15. need to rack up some kms on the pulsar this month. monthly meet at Alvin's work?
  16. I was in that boat for my time at wonton too. you're not far off my 1:50 so fair effort
  17. greedy car companies want to operate on a profit. how dare they. and the government wants to encourage local sales and bail out aus made cars owned by billion dollar international companies. and then get their fingers wet getting 33% tax on vehicles valued over $60-something. good one straya
  18. shiiiieeet. didn't know that. makes sense though.didn't know FPV was owned by ford as well. thought it was a stand-alone tuner, adding to why it was superior to HSV. inb4 Leigh sells his car for profit.
  19. probably N/A
  20. was online for a bit this morning before being kicked of... spent my surplus on an apartment with 10 car garage and some cheap stuff. got 320k left and was thinking of getting a nice car but not sure. it's nice being able to buy surplus ammo, armour an random mods for building my car collection up. can see mods on the free GTR draining my funds a bit though.
  21. sorry that was like 2-3 years ago. they long gone. look for an abondended Safeway cargo bay with crates and back the stages up
  22. to build a stage in our backyard for a 21st
  23. stole them from petrol stations and the rear of a Safeway.the trick with the petrol stations is a 2 man operation and to park the car as close to the crates as possible. just be wary that it is illegal lol. gathered 22 in a short morning
  24. no rego stickers as of 1st of Jan. looking forward to an empty, clean windscreen
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