I'm in the market soon for a new SSD to run my OS. I've been running an OCZ 64gb one at the moment I picked up just as they were becoming more affordable and suffered some issues before doing a firmware update, but since then I need to reimage the system every year or so as lock-ups and failures to boot get too often to be usable. (im pretty sure the SSD is to blame, not 100% sure though)
Need to upgrade graphics card as well, GTX465's are too uncommon to SLI so will get a new one. Looking at GTX760's and a supporter of EVGA so been looking at: http://www.scorptec.com.au/computer/50789-02g-p4-2765-kr
Also want to get a new monitor (not a tv), preferably more than 100hz and 20-24" 1920x1080.
Anyone recommend any brand or products?
running an i7 920 that rarely gets a work-out with 6GB DDR3 of corsair memory