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Leroy Peterson

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Everything posted by Leroy Peterson

  1. Erykah Badu - Out My Mind, Just In Time
  2. that sounds so mean hahaha love it.
  3. don't people do conference calls these days?
  4. 2 + Birds. It'd be like hearing a joke or reference about Little River Band on more than one occasion in a space of a month. Strikes me as odd. The Other Guys did it, and thats why it was funny. TLC too.
  5. Mariah Carey - Always Be My Baby
  6. what is with people and squirrels lately... have heard at least 2 people refer to secret squirrel in the last few days
  7. Not a seinfield fan... ?
  8. I started getting meat once a week from a wholesaler, and fruit and veg from a green grocer. both on a different day on my way home from work. wipes 10-20% off my grocery bill. No home phone/line rental - dollars in the pocket. Turn off power points and standby items, saves a fair bit of electricity. Request water saving shower head in rental - saves the dollars. Run heater or A/C only when more than one person is home and only at night. Keep blinds closed-ish mostly through summer. Certainly adds up.
  9. Winton is like double the distance... Rockpool burger will contain a truffle garnish. Or at least the chips will be cooked in truffle oil. I highly recommend a restaurant in Port Melbourne called The Graham, really good. truffle oil chips as starters sitting infront of the fireplace was tops.
  10. That Old Grey Mare aint what he used to be, eh?
  11. thats what resaurants charge... hell even wannabe fancy pubs charge main meal price for a burger. keeps the picky eaters happy
  12. get house first.
  13. o rly? wasn't aware of that. probably best to leave the important stuff away from the Brits
  14. haha yeah forgot about that. old had k series, then 2ZZ from corolla sportivo + supercharger, now they're running their own 3.5L V6. best 4 cylinder setup I've driven by a mile. but I wouldn't buy one...
  15. Can confirm driving Euro is a slow death. Current daily is a 2001 auto astra. Had to put this in my driveway for a day or two to remind me of what its like to drive a real car (even though its technically euro... but I guess so is a honda accord)
  16. I couldnt/wouldnt work in hospitality. Plenty of other jobs with less skills and shitloads more bludging, I think waiting on a table earns their dollar (in some restaurants) and thats why i dont tip
  17. So true though. I respect people under 25 who work hard (and those that have mortgages) but the sacrifices made... goddamn. Friend of mine was the biggest tight-ass all high school, planned to buy a house. Left school at 17, apprentice carpenter, worked 3-4 shifts a week at VideoEzy after hours. Bought a small townhouse at 19-20, the next 2 years' wage paid off purely interest. Then decided he wanted to have some fun and bought a jetski :| 23-24 now, still lives at home and works two jobs. Mortgage, car repayments and possibly jetski repayments. Yeah, ill pass thanks. Plethora of uneducated people? try plethora of university graduates fighting for any job ina few years.
  18. You know what that spells right? origin story yayyyy. Dark backstory, add some hatred for replicants with a garnish of disaster porn and you have Blade Runner 2: Apocalypse
  19. calm down mate. whats the matter?
  20. saw this in EB today :| http://www.amazon.com/Layernet-40423ling-Simulator-Tunneling-Download/dp/B0041OT7SC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1373945000&sr=8-1&keywords=mining+simulator
  21. holy shit muthafarker yoda n shit
  22. Not sure if anyone knows anybody who in final years studying medicine/nursing, but I've got a room spare at my place near Monash medical centre. $150 a week with all bills, bed + linen included. Kind of sick of living with full-time students, but something like an intern or final year would be preferable. Will put up a notice at the hospital as I dont think ill have much luck on gumtree with the other 250+ properties...
  23. lol, yeah I had something like that planned too. Then blew motor event 1. But im sure it will work out (because S-chasis)
  24. Nujabes - Tsurugi No Mai
  25. its the songs that TripleJ play on high repeat that dont make the top 100 that make TripleJ shit 50% of the time. dont make no sense.
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