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Leroy Peterson

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Everything posted by Leroy Peterson

  1. good talk by the founder of Internode http://simonhackett.com/2013/04/09/cd-syd-2013-problem-with-fttn/
  2. ok, this time someone else is selling an N12 ET pulsar. 1.5 turbo. Is currently club registered. $3k neg.
  3. sorry thought you could see classifieds. $4.5K nego (they bought it with a broken gearbox and fixed it, but didnt register it) "new head gasket, few extra goodies" not sure if this'll work: http://forum.pulsar.org.au/attachment.php?attachmentid=51553&d=1361346820 http://forum.pulsar.org.au/attachment.php?attachmentid=51554&d=1361346854 http://forum.pulsar.org.au/attachment.php?attachmentid=51555&d=1361346900
  4. GTiRs havent aged well and few havent been mistreated either. Though I do know someone who is selling a kinda unfinished project one cheap http://forum.pulsar.org.au/showthread.php/98344-GTI-R-for-sale or you could get the 300kw pulsar for $15k http://forum.pulsar.org.au/showthread.php/89058-N14-Pulsar-SR20DET-(290KW-for-16k) hasnt updated the post ina while but is E85 now
  5. I'm selling my ex-daily SSS in the next couple of weeks. I know there is a lot un-warranted hate for pulsars but lots of people come back to them because reliable, cheap and fun. I could have spent an extra $5k+ on a turbo audi at the time but lack of parts for the quattro, expensive sevicing costs as well as the pulsar being more powerful and fun to drive, have never looked back and now ive owned 3
  6. what sort of car are you after Grant?
  7. *waits patiently for page 1997 to mention goldeneye*<br /><br />almost lost control of the hilux in the wet this morning. people probably thought i was trying to drift. the shitty tyres, low rpm/high torque and the weight shift means difficult to handle. want to flag the tyres as a safety issue but the specs meet toyotas manual, so the fleet can buy whatever tyres that fit (even though these ones have terrible water-flow tread)
  8. past tense?
  9. tough break.<br /><br />weather isn't looking promising
  10. sooo late... me too old for late night car scene. busy day at work tomorrow with 6:30 start so won't show unless I'm feeling adventurous inb4 copsrockup (amidoingitright?)
  11. what state you in?
  12. sorry didnt see this... friends since like primary school. we were pretty close but not bffffs-close. We'd been drinking and 2 friends crashed at my place. One girl was on the couch (who'd id already slept with 6 months ago and didnt like my chances (we were still cool, just didnt think she'd be keen)) and the other was in a bed (the dudes bed who's house I was sitting for) and I went to sleep in the spare room. and yeah, just walked into the room and she didnt decline :| However, I had to work the next morning and got home about 11am and they were driving off just as I pulled up (avoiding me) and she full-on had a go at me about it. Who started it etc. all of her friends hated me for quite a while because I was in the wrong (apparently) Anyway, we're still friends. Still get along. Just never allowed to talk about it, its a touchy subject (for her, it doesnt bother me because male). This was mano-e-mano wasteland meaningful discussion, not locker-room talk. just puttin it out there.
  13. much interest for evo aaron?
  14. been there and its not weird...... until the day after.
  15. IF YOU WANT SOME WACARNOLDS YOU GOTS TO GO THROUGH ME. YOU CUT OFF! http://www.comedycentral.com/video-clips/czvwdf/chappelle-s-show-wacarnold-s
  16. i really liked the interior. nice seats.
  17. im still trying to convince my gf to have an open relationship on agreed terms... need a meme for that to make it funny. even just the time-saving of being single is enough to justify being single.
  18. haha with extra carbon for flavour
  19. it only just occurred to me.... did Alvins housemates leave the heater on to dry their towels? cause that makes more sense, but it's still retarded
  20. i saw a report sometime last year of electrocutions across australia, and one of the highest demographics were people making/growing illicent substances. Another high one were famers doing DIY jobs on their property.
  21. the amazing thing about myki is you can go to the CBD without touching-on, attempting to touch-off through the gate and when it doesnt work, go up to the person supervising and say its not working and they will (no questions asked) let you through. done it twice now. especially effective at peak hour when theres a queue. Sorry, back on topic. Are we EPAing government vehicles yet?
  22. I got a flyer in the mail, you see how much it was? fark that shiieeet. Even with electric everything, thats messed up. Proper hydroponics people usually bypass the meter.
  23. lol mod list as long as your arm and im only 22 Leigh, tell them you have a CAMS licence and are a SAU member. Might make them consider you under 25. I supplied a certificate for an advanced drving course, performance driving course, cams licence and proof of club membership and were more than happy to insure me.
  24. gee thats a bit steep. got the Pulsar will all the mods ($18,000 agreed value) with Shannons for $1650 a year with discount.
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