yeah, its very sad to see that. and sometimes perspectives on life and priority differences can really separate people.
The questions posed have a bit more of a... philosophical (lack of a better term) background than you might think. Its basically asking how should you plan/live your life really. When talking about such large sums of money, its not as simple as just 'saving' for it (as Warski pointed out). Sacrifices have to be made. And more than just monetary sacrifices. Lifestyle, hobbies, possible passions, other goals in life, even general happiness. A lot of people are interested in putting little effort into their education and end up being happier than some that do. In my profession, I meet a lot of young engineers who couldnt give a shit about their job or their work (and end up being useless for a long time) but only care about the paycheck and title. sorry, getting off-topic.
I loved Porsche's for a loooong time when I was younger. Would have given up a lot to have one to look after, but once I had a steady income, things like insurance, running/maintenance costs, wankery image, storage and purist community are major put-offs. But most of all, I didnt have the patience to save and get one. I wanted to get out and have fun now while young and tick the car box off before I commit to something like a family or even a mortgage. So glad i did, because I found a passion in cheaper, smaller, efficient cars that are a heap of fun and the money you save on expensive cars, get to unload into a car that can be a lot more focused on what YOU want from a car. and not have to worry about keeping it in a glass cage or destroying it.
just my 2c.