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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Bad luck Bass They are being a tad on the opressive side at the moment. Lucky it's the sticker and no fine (same as me) - just a waste of your time to get it fixed though. I wonder how high the pursuit Monaro is?
  2. Horus is an official SAU hero Sammi has arranged a special guest entry to show on our stand at Auto Salon... Mark Skaife's Bathurst winning Winfield racing R32 GTR - on loan to us from the Lindsay Fox Car Collection! LFCC will arrange transportation of the car. Many thanks to Sam and Ravi (and LFCC) for arranging this. Heros all!
  3. Great to see the interest guys - I'll make up a list and keep the thread updated A light tower (3m) with 2x lights is $150 for the weekend. Does anyone have a plasma screen we can borrow?
  4. Apologies Chris, didn't mean for it to sound bad... just looks like the letters are peeling off
  5. 13 of us at Sammi's place discussing AutoSalon... We are keen to sort out our entry list for Auto Salon in Melb (April 3 & 4) and would like to know who wants to enter a car? Currently looking at... Andrew – Bayside blue R34 GTR James – Golgo Ash – R31 GTS-R Dave - Purple R31 coupe Ron – Deep marine blue R32 GTR White 1966 Prince racecar Dark blue R31 GTSR racecar Al – Wine red R33 GTST Adz - Black R34 GTT We'd really like Leewah, Raza (R33 4-door), Endless (silver R32 GTST), the DoLuck T1 R32 GTR, and Denham's newly tuned toy - as they spring to mind The idea is to show the whole range of Skylines - with a focus on cars that are a bit more 'unique'. If any workshops are keen to support (read $$$) the stand (ie: Ice, BMT, UPI etc) we'd be happy to show your cars and whore the logos/stickers like we did last year for BMT (obviously we'd prefer a Skyline, but not nessecary - say, ooh, a Supra?) Anyone keen to show their car - please post pics and info here - we'll make up a shortlist and go from there. It's $100 per car to enter (includes dyno comp). We were limited to 16 spots last year - so get in early. Also - to help out with staging costs - we'll have a couple of fund-raising events during March (perhaps even an 'entry' fee on the GOR cruise). Anyone keen to help out at the event, so that you can be placed into a 'roster' system, please also make your interest noted. There will be t-shirts available - if workshops want to let us know their support ASAP - we'll place logos on the shirts More info as it comes...
  6. All the best with the new digs Sam Maybe a 'housewarming' SAU BBQ could be on the cards... Still need some welding help to fix the Niva though
  7. From AutoSpeed: Pay-per-view article here: http://www.autospeed.com/cms/A_1916/article.html *cough* PDF download *cough*
  8. Also - if I may ask... WTF is with all those candy-ass colours Sydney people? Bright green here, hot pink there, murals, chrome - what's going on?
  9. Photos here - lots of Skylines, so I assume SAU NSW was out in force? http://www.hioctane.net/150204/ Seems RH9 has been put back together again - as a street car! I for one am pleased - one of the toughest looking R34s I've ever seen. Also - someone needs to go to sticker application school
  10. Ash: Other thread locked as requested. Sam: Sorry - I gots me a passenger already Snow: See you at your meet point
  11. The tester had a book with him - looked up RB26DETT and came up with 5400rpm (or there abouts) INASNT: Yeah... that would have been the smart thing to do
  12. FYI: This is where they put the microphone.
  13. BTW: Melb people - I still have a few left over from the Xmas BBQ. If you see me around town, or at a meet - give me a yell. They're in my boot.
  14. Thanks for posting them inark - the publisher still hasn't sent me copies yet Ula, Wil & Mark - I'll post them to you when I get them myself. Can you email me your postal address? Thanks again for your help with the photos on this - the guys who do Krash want to have regular motoring articles - we'll see if we can get more SAU peeps in there
  15. Haha - cool! I didn't know it was out yet. Will get you a copy ASPA Ula How does it look? There are a couple other SAU members in there. The blue Sil80, the AE86 - from guys in ACT.
  16. Haha - Prank I'll get him to check it with my 'special' cat back in and see how much louder it is. Thanks all for the help. Ice have a 33 GTST system there that I will fit up. The tester is just around the corner - so no biggie. Ghostrider: That's a really good idea. I think it would be something worth while for these sorts of things for everyone to chip in a few $$ to make up a quiet system for all the shapes/sizes of exhuasts we need - for such occasions. The tester agreed that it's all a bit silly. Testing my car at 5400 rpm - of course it's going to be loud! Most of the time around town I never get above 4000 - at which it was 85db. Ah well - all part of the game I guess. Thanks all again for your help
  17. Gerald wasn't sure about GTST system. Ice don't have a stock GTR exhuast lying around.
  18. OK - so if I had read 91dB, I would have been cross, so to prepare, I fitted a CAT (thanks Gerald) and prayed to JASMA hoping for a legal pass... 97.8dB @ 5400 rpm! Worth doing, worth doing properly I think that's something like 6x louder than it should be? The tester liked my titanium system, didn't charge me for the test - and said come back with a stock system for a big tick. So... does a GTST stock system fit on an R? Anyone got a stock R system lying around? BTW: Sounds sucky with a cat. I know what will be going back on when the test is passed. Can't take away Godzilla's fire breathing ability
  19. Getting some good mileage out of that banner
  20. Very impressive
  21. Haha - Pred. Perhaps the title should be: Low 12s for low bucks* * note: requires $45,000 GTR
  22. Oh - and ladies bring a plate
  23. PMs sent. Tues 17th Feb - 8.00pm Shan: Love that Godzilla suit how-to Don't think I'm that skilly with a foam cutter though...
  24. Sammi has offered to host a meeting at his place (conveniently not that far from me ) Tues or Wed next week - evening (say 8-ish) PM me if you are interested/able to come along.
  25. Haha - you've uncovered my secret plan I'll go to where ever people want to meet... even Patterson Lakes Been looking for a Gozilla suit to hire... can't find one. God a rad Gojira logo though...
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