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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Danny - Absolute GOLD! Haha.
  2. My final masterpiece (haha - I crack myself up) 'You put one scratch and I'll have your balls!'
  3. Autotrust: Haha - sorry Danny. You got me on the truck smash one though. I was all ready for that one... Prank: Haha - that's sensational!
  4. Last one - got to finish this presentation Nissan's new entry into the F1GP champtionship demonstrates their patented 'F*ck you, you silly kraut' move to get the edge on Shumacher:
  5. A quick hack for topical subject matter Nissan decides to pull out all stops to beat Mitsubishi in the Paris Dakar: Important fact: Lada Niva came 3rd in 1981, and second in 1982 and 1983 in the Paris Dakar
  6. Damm you Christian. I've got work to do... But... a challenge is a challenge O-ver-night parts from Ja-pan now f*cker:
  7. Nice. Nice. Nice These are great fun - lots of chuckles...
  8. It's not actually that bad of an idea... Bit of good press, some money to charity... The Godzillathon - Brown-underpants for charity day. Hmmm...
  9. Haha - nice I can see the annual telethon now...
  10. Some specs please? Auto/manual, soft/hard top, JX/JLX, colour, condition etc
  11. Jamezilla

    Dam Nice

    Yes - Ash is correct. You are 100% liable for anything that happens. It's akin to driving an unregistered car (but not as bad). Your insurance company would leave you out to dry. I'm sorry - I can't seem to understand the problem here. Why the f*ck do people get an auto licence then drive a manual car? Get a manual licence to start with. Duh!
  12. Yeah - the world loves Google image search Here's my final go... Russel Crowe gets into a spot of bother while changing a tyre:
  13. Haha - good work Danny! I'm having too much fun with this... Steve McQueen upgrades his Mustang for something a little more serious:
  14. Jamezilla


    F&F stickers - you mean the green claws? The old HAMSAP car? He's not a member here as far as I know.
  15. I know the Coles carpark. Might be good to get 'supplies' also. Will work out a time during the week - most likely 10.00am or so?
  16. Ah... just a note. Fireworks are illegal in VIC. Use PM to reply. Max - perhaps edit your post to use the words 'hypothetically' and 'some guy I know' - you get my drift?
  17. Pred: Nope. ACT residents aren't allowed. This... ah... guy I know, bought some on the way back from Sydney at New Years. Had to show VIC licence (a copy was taken) and sign a form saying the fireworks were leaving the ACT within 6-hours. Needless to say I... I mean, he... has used them all up
  18. For VIC based events - check the Victoria forums. Calder drags are on most Fridays - sometimes a few people go, sometimes lots...
  19. Yes - should be wasteland. But... Fireworks are illegal in VIC. You are NOT allowed to sell them. So PLEASE no-one post that you have some available. Use PM. You can buy them in ACT, but you have to be a non-ACT resident and remove them from ACT to another state within 6 hours after purchase - where they are illegal to use. Silly isn't it. Nutshell - buy them in Canberra, bring them home - use them whilst exercising discression (if at all possible for pretty expolsives) Also - when in ACT, remember to get some porn too.
  20. No. Also: when using the word 'to' to describe something that is 'in excess', or 'also' - you spell it as 'too'
  21. Is in this month's HPI by the way.
  22. Dean at UPI has one: http://www.upimports.com.au/ He's be able to help.
  23. Come down to Melb for a weekend - we'll take you on a cruise
  24. On my way back from the book depository...
  25. I have some more somewhere... http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/members/g...oads/mines1.jpg http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/members/g...oads/mines2.jpg http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/members/g...oads/mines3.jpg
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