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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Visit the BMT site: http://www.bmtmotorsports.com.au/t51rS15.html Note that the site is frame-built, so to get the nav you have to go to the root domain... but I guess you figured that out already...
  2. My mate just made some vegemite toast, and says that his is so much better than my peanut butter sandwich as he's using only a little bit of margarine and only one piece of bread. I told him he's lying as everyone knows that margaraine is polyunsaturated and that monounsaturated is better. Plus I'm using smooth peanut butter in the Bob-the-Builder jar. But is he right? I think his toaster is set to 4 of a possible 5. Plus he's using multigrain bread. My cousin made some vegemite toast the other day, but made his toaster go to 7 out of 5 as he's at TAFE and knows heaps about stuff. His was good - but as I said, he's at TAFE and my mate's in year 11.
  3. Haha - I'ts like a spot news update on TV. 'Thousands killed in N-Sync riot... film at 11' or 'Manned mission to Venus succeeds... here's Tom with the weather' Remind me to lend you 'Kentucky Fried Movie' on DVD. It be darn amusing - use the 'ol 'Film at 11' gag to good effect. Then it will all make sense. Will get 'Blue Murder' also...
  4. So very glad that the short run of 'productivity' is over. I was talking to people, reading the paper - and even leaving the building at lunchtime! I swear It'll never happen again. Oh - Leewah, the unfortunate loss of your thread has beed remedied
  5. Yep - like the title says. Looks and sounds nice on the dyno at AutoSalon Final Battle. Good work again boyos Direct link: http://www.fullboost.com.au/vidzz/fullBOOS...03_s15_dyno.avi And for OS X people (like me) - you'll need an MPEG-4 layer 2 codec for QuickTime: http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo...fo/macosx/15062
  6. There you go Dave - the mightiest of the purple R's gets props once more. For those who forgot - it's featured in the current issue of HPI - and whores up the SAU site with a big sticker on the splitter. Also - speaking of purple '33s... A friend just bought one (genuine series 3 V-Spec), and on the way home for seeing him, I saw Golgo's twin (purple with bronze TE37's) parked on Chapel. Are there any more out there? I'd like to get them all together for a photo
  7. All the best Gordo - I think we need to have a few amber cheerios before you leave this fair state - for a fairer one How you placed on the weekend?
  8. My productivity increased by about 400% while the site was down
  9. It cost me about $390 shipped to Melb, and then a further $350 to fit and paint. Actual part was $295. Pretty expensive for just the front lip Nissan one (advertised on UAS for $950) is actually $1500. Fits much better, is plastic - but still needs paint. Cheers for the notes about the car S3 lip really helps the look. So much meaner. Surprised more people haven't done it. Wheels & exhaust are only mods. Stock colour, trim, body - is a VSpec. Looks low in the 2nd pic as I had just hit a pothole and busted my shocks Here is is in 'speedboat' mode. Note too that the aftermarket lip has no centre vanes in the brake ducts and doesn't fit the S2 brake air guides. No biggie - but FYI. Sold OEM lip for $200 as well
  10. Jamezilla

    Poor cops

    Maybe the police will be more open to bribes now?
  11. Sorry all - been far to busy at work this last week. Bloody marketing rush for 1st term '04 products. Stupid schools... Yes - with crappy weather and no real notice of location, might be best to put it back until next week for an official meeting. I'm still keen on the idea of Emerald Lake. Is a nice place Also, we haven't had a chance to finalise the NPO accounting details, so would just be more of the same meeting type stuff anyway. Plus - AKT has arranged a go-cart day on this Sat, so perhaps a good chance to talk more there? So... my homework shall be arranging a map and stuff for Emerald Lake. Sorting NPO stuff (Ash - Thursday next week?) and, uh... perhaps keeping people more up to date
  12. Jamezilla

    Best oil

    I'm an OWS guy. Not cheap - but neither is a new engine.
  13. Golgo has stickers. I put them on for MAS, but have left them there as they look kinda cool (manufacturer logos on the door & Golgo is Best!). Reverse on the other side for symmetry Is your car - do it because you like it.
  14. You can get a genuine Nissan S3 lip from Nissan for $1500 (yes - just the lip) - or a fibreglass one from UAS (http://www.uniqueautosports.com.au) for about $300. I got the FG one. Needed quite a bit of work to clean up and fit - but looks excellent when done. Much tougher than S2 lip. Cost me $350 to fit and paint (Aero-image in Sunshine - did a great job) Pix: Original Series 1/2 lip: Swanky new FG Series 3 lip: Looks better in the flash - but you get the idea...
  15. Weather for the weekend isn't looking very promising. Heathcote is a fun day out, but a bit far for people just keen in attending a meeting. So... we have 2-options: Postpone the meeting for a week so that Heathcote competitors are able to attend, or have it on the Saturday (1st Nov) to ccoincide with AKTs go-cart event. What do people think? I was thinking Saturday 8th November for a cruise/meeting to Emerald Lake (in Emerald) - is nice drive, you can see Puffing Billy, and hopefully the weather shall improve. Thoughts?
  16. Jamezilla

    R34 Cop CAR!!!!

    If you spot it - just slap some SAU stickers/flyers on it
  17. Jamezilla

    R34 Cop CAR!!!!

    Sorry to Hijack... Lethal: That new front bar looks great!
  18. Jamezilla

    R34 Cop CAR!!!!

    Lethal: The yellow GTO is an Monaro - is on loan from HSV to be highly visible city-based traffic unit. Didn't cost $250k - candy kit is about $15k on top of car (which was donated). My brother is media PR manager - he handed over keys Pred: to quote Maxwell Smart (my new sig)... "There is nothing more inconspicuous as a conspicuous car." R34-GTR pursuit car is pretty cool - a little bit 2F2F though. Wonder if they found it derilict at the back of some car-yard in the desert like Paul Walker did
  19. Aside from the legal issues that could arise from 'swapping' components from one car to another (ID plates = very illegal) - a performance car that has had some chassis replacement work! Ever hear of 'structural integrity'? Run. Now. Never look back. Oh - Enrico: Naked Gun was on Foxtel last night. Your nic always cracks me up
  20. Well - I'm thinking you've hit the nail on the head. We didn't have a planned venue... Heathcote is a venue. This could work out... Anyone got any HUGE problem with Heathcote?
  21. I've been speaking to the web guy at Express Publications - they are having a 'meeting' on Monday to remedy the problem. Apparently the fault is with the HPI website. Doesn't get me my magazines, but let's hope they fix it. Then they can look at the subs dept screwing up phone and mail subs - they sent me Hot4s for 3 months and not HPI, then to remedy - sent me the same HPI 3 times.
  22. Thanks guys. HPI and Magstore were both notified of my displeasure. The issues I was after were the GTR specials 1,2 & 3 - just wanted some further reading
  23. Seriously - f*ck these guys. I have had it with their lacklustre performance. Would love to 'remove my subscription' - but as it is, I enjoy reading the magazine Tried to order HPI back issues - as listed with shopping-cart and 'buy now' on HPI website. I supply credit card details - 4-days later am told the issues are no-longer available. THEN TAKE THEM OFF YOUR F*CKING WEBSITE! How hard can it be! Sorry to vent - but have had bad week. Car broken into, working stupid hours - all I wanted was some more GTR reading to ease the pain. Magstore - thanks for making it suck even more
  24. Is in this month's Motor Mag - was out on Monday. My brother (HSV PR guy) was there and said that many of the cars 'could' have gone faster if given a longer stretch of road/runway. As Duncan says - at those speeds aerodynamic drag plays a big part. A 10km stretch of salt-flat would be much more interesting Top Secret 328km/h Wangan Tunnel (Shutoko expressway, Tokyo) run is on 'Beasts from the East' DVD - car (R33 GTR) has estimated 1200HP. Nagata san took a 1000kw Supra to England and did similar speed on the M1 Motorway. My brother also mentioned that the techs forgot to remove the limiter on his car, hence the top speed of only 260. Sure
  25. There's a hovercraft for sale in this week's 'Things That Go' - I'm afraid that may take some attention away from the Skyline. Just thinking about this - would be pretty rad cruising to work. Go along the river, then drive up the boat-ramp at Princess Bridge. Hmmmm Mind you, attention just diverted to a Skyline - ICEGTR for sale on same page...
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