Sly: In a word, no. It's a social club with 'official' members - no insurance, no liability. This is why we want people to be paid members - figure if you put $50 down, you aren't there to mess around.
We looked into forming an official club - and it's a really big deal. The biggest downside being the club 'committee' being personally liable if anything happens. And, quite rightly, no-one was willing to put their rump on the line... at least not at this stage anyway.
With the track-based events, each participant needs to join a CAMS affiliated club. NDSOC are a great club to join for this. Down the track (no pun intedned) it would be great for us to be able to offer this service (via VSMA affiliation), and I think that's a very reasonable option - but at this stage we just want to keep it simple. Mind you - if R31 club gets sorted through VSMA, that would be another option for SAU members who want to go on the track.
As it is at the moment, we need to be 'invited' to a track day like this - see Blind Elk's post as he is from the NDSOC.
So... no formal club formation, no official 'officials': just a better organised social club that asks you to pay a membership so you get a t-shirt
Cobo: A Gippsland cruise would be a great idea, espescially as the weather improves. Maybe to Cape Patterson or Inverloch/Wonthaggi would be nice.
We'll talk about both things at the meeting tomorrow - and try to arrange a Gippy visit soon