You gotta admit its kinda cool that a thread about using the internet at work turns into something about asking people if you can watch them pee in the shower.
OK so I skimmed the posts - but I think I got the general jist of things.
Which leads me to...
I went on a photoshoot to an S&M establishment a few years back - for a leathergoods website if I recall (which I do as it's not something you easily forget) and as we were packing up, noticed an interesting device in the corner...
I asked the madame what it was - looked kinda like a G4 Cube, without the G4 ie: a perspex box, with a hole in the top, and an opening on one end.
Turns out it was a 'scatbox'. Utilised for certain patrons who wished to taste the nutty browness first hand (rather than go through McDonalds drive-thru)
She went on to mention that bookings were required a week in advance so that she could adjust her diet for optimum 'pooformance' for her client.
I figured she didn't mean a takeaway vindaloo the night prior...
Not sure where I was going with this...
Anyway - I'm sure my point was going to be a good one.
Back to work...