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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Pretty sure that is from the new dealership that was 'Success' - hmm, that didn't make sense. Will be driving past today - shall have a peek. The R34 was Gerald from Ice.
  2. The ones we did for MAS were actually screen-printed and will last for quite some time I have all of the designs for that including the Skyline name, logo and SAU URL as EPS art. Let me know if you want them.
  3. Christian: Thule have their own new retail store in Sydney: (02) 9439 2526 Roof Carrier Systems here in Melb said to give them a buzz and they'll help you out
  4. I suffered the same as Rob - two nice down-to-the-metal scratches thanks to that Falcon ute. Poop.
  5. phorj: Haha - I have the Lada still which has a proper tow-bar (and I have a bike carrier) - but it's much nicer driving the Nissan. And as you saw - they come off TimmyG: $295 brand new from Roof Carrier Systems (Aus Thule distributor). Bike carriers are $110 each. Prank: Sorry Christian. I thought I had posted them Will take a shot next time I have the bike on there Get the racks - more practical, and can be easily removed (about 5mins). GTR with mountain-bikes on top looks tough Mind you - same price for either - I guess it depends if you need to actually 'tow' anything rather than just carry bikes/snowboards/modular furniture Tony: Haha - yeah. That's why I like having one on the Lada.
  6. Yep - I have a few left, or you can order some from memphis at StreetWeapons (see sponsor links on SkylinesAus homepage)
  7. PVA: I have still got some BMT design smalls unreserved - and a medium SAU reserved but not paid for. If I don't get payment this week - it's all yours
  8. Instrument lights need to have a dimmer fitted as part of compliance process - perhaps they didn't do a great job? Either way - there's a fuse. Will check my manual and let you know which one. Engine/Chassis numbers are on the firewall at the rear-left of the engine bay on a blue plate. The green plate is the Australian compliance one.
  9. Hmm - I seem to recall that roofracks can be removed when not in use, and towbars are there to stay??? I have Thule roofracks on my car (for carrying the bike) and it looks pretty cool with them on - and pretty cool with them off. For getting bookcases home from Ikea in a hurry - nothing beats roofracks on a GTR
  10. Funky: cool There was a payment I was unsure of - must have been you. You want to pick it up tonight? Chart updated. Kamikaze33: M BMT in the post. Ash: Reserved a M SAU for you Can anyone listed as 'purple' on the chart arrange to pay this week or I will sell the shirt to someone else. Ronin: Can you please PM me to arrange swap. Cooks44: Please PM me your address and I'll post the shirt to you. Milk: Can reserve the last small for you - but need payment this week. You 100%? Dox and Rigga: There are a couple of XXLs unreserved (both BMT). You want?
  11. Dox: Great - thanks Here are the current stocks. If you are grey - you have paid for, and collected your shirt. And are happy If you are green, you have paid for - but not collected your shirt. If you are purple, you have not collected or paid yet. Pink rectangles are spares. Please correct me if I've gotten anything wrong.
  12. Ok - looking good... I just need confirmations from: Ronin09, alinche, cooks44, Scorp, Shiro, MaXiMuS007, quickshift and andzmax Have you got your shirts yet? Do you still want them (Quickshift, Adzmax, Scorp, Shiro & Max are noted as not payed yet)? Once this is cleared up - I'll go through the spares on a first-come, first-served basis. Will keep you informed...
  13. Funky: Are you at work? I have to drop of something at the airport so can pop back through the city if you like? 9.00pm now - will be coming back about 10.00pm? Will give you a call when on my way.
  14. Despite doing some good 'business' out of my boot yesterday... I still have 14 shirts left! If you ordered one - can you please reply here and let me know: 1. have you got your shirt 2. have you paid for your shirt I'd just like to do a complete stock check and get shirts out to those who ordered them ASAP - it must be cold without them. There are some spares too - just not 100% on what sizes... Cheers James
  15. Semoz do good deals for group bookings - The 'booker' gets a prize of a plane-ticket or something...
  16. Al: I like that one of me on the freeway - can you email me a hi-res version (with plate intact). Thanks lots [email protected]
  17. Haha - hey cool... I think... Thanks very much everyone - I feel like Michael Jackson accepting the 'Artist of the Millenium' award I look forward to banning you all soon
  18. Good idea. How about Keg in Albert Park? Easy parking - and they have nachos that come in edible bowls!
  19. Aw shucks guys. Thanks Will uphold the law, protect the innocent - that sort of thing.
  20. My photos here: http://www.the-silo.com/james/gor_album
  21. inark: don't you need a licence (gun) for Vic ones? That's what they told us. Is a nice easy drive though. kamikaze: full day - make it worth the trip.
  22. Was heaps of fun. Started off in a basketball court sized area with hay bales - then moved on to tyres. Then out in the bush with little bits of wood as cover. Best one was the 'junkyard' with old cars and such. Then 'capture the flag' at a fort. Doesn't hurt too much - just make sure it's not a very hot day. You get dehydrated easy.
  23. I did it last year in November at: http://www.semozpaintball.com in Echuca. Was about $120 for the day (including all equipment, paint and snacks) and it was very much fun. Echuca is about 2.5hrs away.
  24. Remember the driver is a factor too. Take yesterday for example - Gerald's R34 is stock - and there was no-way in hell I could keep up with him. Why? He's a better driver. Simple. So... perhaps your GTR driver was taking it easy, perhaps he's juts not that quick on gear changes... GTRs are very fast when in the right hands - just ask Jet
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