Hey, but I... never mind
Re: 40km/h limits
Has just been imposed on Chapel - which is fine as you can't speed along there anyway. Mind you - seems to be another 'misdirected' approach at safety...
Biggest prob on Chapel is idiots not looking when they open their doors and causing cyclists to crash (which hurts - most cyclist related death road in Aus) and motorbikes using the 'pedestrian safe zone' in the middle of the road as their own private autobahn.
I nearly took out a Ducatti in the Lada - I was turning right and he passed me on the RHS! Idiot - deserves to be squashed by a Russian box of crap.
Ah - just my 2c, but I really wish they'd actually think about what they are trying to achieve and not just scream 'more cameras, lower limits'.
It's driver awareness and education stupid!?