Oakily Doakily
An updated status pic:
If you are green - you have payed via EFT.
If you are dark green - you have payed at BMT.
If you are yellow - I just sent you a PM as a reminder for payment and options.
If you are blue - I have spoken/emailed you with an arrangement to meet tomorrow or 'other'.
If you are dark blue - you are BMT, and I'll come get money tomorrow
Pink rectangles are shirts that are still available - so if you still want one, there is a chance (providing you pay, and the size is right)
Ah - long day.
Going home to keep working now. Will update the picture tomorrow with any payments that come in during the night (hint hint)
Will try to collect shirts tomorrow to leave at BMT for distribution. Got a busy day so can't promise - but will do my bestest.