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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Sorry Nark - is not intentional Just needed to get everything sorted as we are running out of time.
  2. Thanks guys. Can't spend the whole day there - so won't take up a spot. But will pop in and say hello.
  3. Yes - 4WD dyno. Confirmed by Cabin. I like the carwash idea - getting some Maguires stuff from brother.
  4. It is apparently very hectic after work hours. If we can make a dent and get most cars in earlier - better for us. Obviously not everyone can make this time, but is easier if you can
  5. Good point on numbers. How is parking there?
  6. Is fine - change of venue I'm there.
  7. All - to everyone attending MAS as an exhibitor, helper or just to vote for us Pre-event meeting information here Pizza and merchandise and stuff.
  8. Ash: Not sure about the guest pass. I heard it mentioned - but can't find info on the Cabin site. Will call. Good point about Lygon. Maybe Docklands? Restaurant prices are still pretty reasonable down there (Lounge Room is not bad) - lots of parking and space to spread out. Trying to think of somewhere central - with pizza
  9. MAS Meeting on Thurs OK - sorry for delay. Thusday night meeting for all MAS entrants, helpers and everyone else. This will be a dinner (something healthy and gourmet - like pizza) and we'll have stickers, t-shirts and maybe a raffle for sale! We'll go through all the info about the show with everything (hopefully) being finalised over these next couple of days. Cabin are sending me some $3 off entry vouchers for those not exhibiting I was initially thinking Sophias in Camberwell (1/2 way between Eastern & Monash FWY with plenty of parking) but other ideas are welcome - maybe Lygon St (thinking pizza here). Let me know ideas for venue and I'll book a table - or two
  10. Leewah: Is 4WD. Not sure about schedule yet - I guess they sort that out at the venue. Will speak to Cabin today.
  11. CR34TION: There are 2x Large SAU shirts left and a number of BMT ones in various sizes. $30 a pop - a true collectors item
  12. gizmo: Sorry. Monday morning - needed a chuckle Have you not seen the movie? "The light was yellow officer" Perhaps I'm showing my age...
  13. I'm in Sydney for the day (up from Melbourne) so will pop in to say hello. Can someone email me directions to EC? I'll have to drop GF in Abbottsbury? And have little to no idea where anything is
  14. Will take some for you. I have a black-face Nismo instrument cluster - but after-market centre gauges (Defi).
  15. Isn't this how the Blues Brothers got started?
  16. Pickup on Thursday evening. Hotsky: Yep. Sorted.
  17. Gohan: Yep - that was me Franks: Very nice photos! iNCOGNiTO: I wanted a stock one, but ended up getting mine with the mods I would have done myself anyway. Better bang for your buck that way
  18. Only 2x Large SAU shirts left. All people who PM'd me or posted here have been taken care of There are 8 BMT shirts in a variety of sizes left also. These ones look really good also - make sure you get your orders in quick!
  19. I off to Sydney (mmm - long drive) that following weekend... but I think a post MAS cruise is a great idea. I am finailsiing some club-flyers - it would be good to include dates for the next couple of cruises... thoughts? Amber: Great work with HPI! Hope it works out.
  20. Jet: Yep got you. Like the new avatar Sam: Yep. Dave put in a big swag of BMT orders. Noof: Yep.
  21. I did the same - R34 GTT vs R33 GTR. At the end of the day - I chose the GTR. Why? A GTT, although newer and very nice - will never be a GTR. I didn't want to spend lots of money on a car that I wish was something better. Just my 2c Either way - you can't loose. Oh - Aerograce: Like this?
  22. Thanks all. We're getting through them 2x medium SAU 4x large SAU 1x XX-large SAU remaining Still at least 1 of each (except small) size of BMT still to go.
  23. Everyone who was keen for a shirt has been sent a PM. Please get back to me with confirmation & prompt payment. Thanks again James
  24. SAU 0x small 0x medium 2x large 0x x-large 0x xx-large BMT 0x small 2x medium 3x large 1x x-large 2x xx-large
  25. Oh - should get them next Thursday afternoon/evening. Will try to arrange a meeting (dinner?) to go through shirts and final MAS stuff Thanks again James
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