Thanks everyone for your support.
Re: Phat32 posts - not at all related. I didn't have SAFC or G-sensor. I saw them in his car on the GOR cruise. So is all cool. Thanks for looking out though
Re: Suburb - South Yarra. Quiet dead-end street. Car was off street. This was the ONLY time I have left it overnight ungaraged or uncovered. It was raining hard when I got home - I just wanted to go inside.
So... yeah. I have been spotted and followed. They knew what they wanted. I think this hurts more - that it was staked out/planned. What killed me the most was seeing the car all smashed up. So very unfair.
Re: Insurance - The car is 100% covered for all parts and damage. My personal items are not covered. Home contents insurance is yet to get back to me though. Some very personal items were in the car (in the console, boot and glovebox - not in plain sight) which kills me that they were taken.
The expensive hardware can be replaced - but my own work and sentimental items cannot. Very very hard to deal with. My watch was in the console which was given to me by a GF who died of breast cancer. Sucks bad
Am going to lower my profile. Really enjoyed driving the car and people saying 'hey, cool!' - as I would have myself - but has attracted too much of the wrong type of attention. Which is f*cked.
Cant even use the car for my sister's wedding next weekend. Grrrr.
Getting to 'angry' phase of being upset.