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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Thanks guys. Leewah: Cheers Is in with repairer now. Going to take 3-4 weeks. New dash has to come in from Japan. Defi gauges are also coming from OS. Such a shit. Getting pretty angry about it now. Want to hurt. Will keep you all posted. Thanks again for your support James
  2. Thanks all for your support. I have spoken to the main Apexi distributers here in Melb asking them to notify police if anyone comes in wanting the 'extra' parts of the AVCR and RSM. Re: serial nos - I don't have any of the ones from the car stuff - as they were on the car already. The other personal items taken had serials - have been given to police. The GTR-88 plates were taken. If you see them driving around - call the cops. Re: alarm - I have no idea how they got around it. Really really f*cked. Quite upset about it all. Will keep you posted. Thanks again james
  3. Thanks everyone for your support. Re: Phat32 posts - not at all related. I didn't have SAFC or G-sensor. I saw them in his car on the GOR cruise. So is all cool. Thanks for looking out though Re: Suburb - South Yarra. Quiet dead-end street. Car was off street. This was the ONLY time I have left it overnight ungaraged or uncovered. It was raining hard when I got home - I just wanted to go inside. So... yeah. I have been spotted and followed. They knew what they wanted. I think this hurts more - that it was staked out/planned. What killed me the most was seeing the car all smashed up. So very unfair. Re: Insurance - The car is 100% covered for all parts and damage. My personal items are not covered. Home contents insurance is yet to get back to me though. Some very personal items were in the car (in the console, boot and glovebox - not in plain sight) which kills me that they were taken. The expensive hardware can be replaced - but my own work and sentimental items cannot. Very very hard to deal with. My watch was in the console which was given to me by a GF who died of breast cancer. Sucks bad Am going to lower my profile. Really enjoyed driving the car and people saying 'hey, cool!' - as I would have myself - but has attracted too much of the wrong type of attention. Which is f*cked. Cant even use the car for my sister's wedding next weekend. Grrrr. Getting to 'angry' phase of being upset.
  4. Garage: Yeah - usually is. The one night I have stuff in the garage and don't put the cover on... someone was looking. Not happy
  5. Thanks guys. I'm a bit upset about this. Nice to have some support Yes insurance covers most things (all of the car, none of the personal items). THe alarm was on but didn't go off. The doors were still locked this morning - they just smashed the windows. Milk: I agree - I think the car has been cased. They knew just what they wanted - but smashed everything taking it out At any case - I'm going to move. Don't trust my neighbours now. The Apexi gear is R33 specific (Ts and Rs) so - maybe someone will hear of it being offloaded? Lots of other personal items were taken (I left a bag behind the front seat - stupid) so I expect someone is pretty chuffed with their efforts. Very upset. Taking it down to insurance assessment place now. Will keep you posted.
  6. Insurance: All the 'car' stuff is covered. There were other items in the car (which I NEVER do - the one time I forget...) which aren't covered. These are the things that really hurt
  7. My car was broken into last night in my driveway. Everything smashed or stolen I am - in a word - devestated The GTR-88 plates and all the Apexi gear (RSM, AVCR, boost guage) were among the things taken. If anyone hears of these and other items offered for sale 'cheaply' let me/police know. I'm going off to cry
  8. Car got broken into in my driveway last night. Lots and lots of things stolen. Lots of things smashed to steal things. I am very very unhappy All the Apexi gear was taken (RSM, AVCR, boost guage) so if anyone (particularly VIC members) hears of these and other things for sale in a dodgy manner - notify the police to check it out.
  9. Not at all Skyline related... but am after a 'tacho' dash for an AE92 Corolla hatch (CSI model) The GTi and CSI Ltd had them.
  10. Mic33R: Do you have a photo of them on your car? I could be interested depending how the Thule ones fit tomorrow. I will take camera to shop with me. Thule racks are $295 new.
  11. Good timing! I just ordered some. Thule brand racks through Roof Carrier Systems here in Melb. $295 for racks - $135 for extender kit to take my bike carrier. Getting them fitted on Saturday - will take photos
  12. Aw - Milky. Don't let it get you down too much. Yes it was a lovely car, but it was just a car. You are OK (and so are the others) - this is the important thing. Some days 'life' just happens - you cannot predict what lies in store. You live to experience another day - whatever it brings. That's all part of the adventure. Hang in there Boy - don't I sound philosophical
  13. Milky: I went past on my way home on Monday - and grabbed your bumper-bar and one of the foglamps - if you would like them as a memento they are in my garage Glad you OK (and Sniffy too) - you are very lucky. The car must have been airborne to hit the tree so high up! Sorry for poor quality of image - have bumped up the levels so you can see through the dark. Compare the height of my headlights to the height of the mark on the tree! More here: http://www.the-silo.com/james/milk/ I have all these at higher resolution if anyone is interested. Shows how easy something 'bad' can happen. Take lots of care out there. James
  14. Hey - that car looks familiar
  15. chopobo: Thanks for update
  16. Yeah - I never have this problem in the Lada Hooray for BF Goodrich! I scratched my drivers front - backing out of my driveway and turning too sharp. Such a silly thing to do Anyway... getting mine fixed before AutoSalon - will keep you posted
  17. Dates?
  18. Tony: One of mine has a scratch. Hit the curb. Never ever again Will let you know how I get on fixing it...
  19. Oooch. JustCars valued my 18x9.5 bronze TE37s at $8k! That's including tyres BTW. You can get them new for $1.5k per rim - 2nd had would still be close to $1k per - unless you get lucky. Fingers crossed
  20. Ooh - Vickii. You've gotta be careful out there. Glad everyone is OK. Get better soon Milky.
  21. Yeah - gotta love the manga 'fan service' as they say. Always liked the Shingo battle - they have the VTEC noise so well done. Kinda stirs my heart
  22. darK: Flames - probably. That cat is still 'rather' high-flowing Mind you, you need to be pushing it pretty hard - so maybe not as we'll be on heavily policed roads. You can hear it 'pop' though. Will get a video of it before I put the cat on.
  23. Coco - Yep. The pride of the Russian land fleet is my own. EX-KGB: Oh - and neither of those people are me
  24. Hahaha - such cool keyrings. Is a pity there are no R33s in InitialD
  25. Ah - about $5. Was from Hongkong. Yay Ebay.
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