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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Milk: Yeah - I was looking for a carspot to buy cat litter from Coles. Such an exotic life I lead I live behind Jam Facotry - so am always in that neck of the woods. Was actually in your neck of the woods yesterday... see your car-crash thread.
  2. I'm keen. Will be coming from Melbourne - so let me know of times/locations to meet.
  3. Milk: Hey - I was there last night!! I dropped a friend from work home - and when we came round the corner of his street... he said 'a Daewoo went through that fence and that fence'. And yes - lots of smashed bricks and things. He mentioned a 32 was often parked down near the dead-end of the street. Small world huh!
  4. riggaP: The Volks are 18x9.5". Has 265/35/18 Pirellis on it. And my Lada doesn't have a rear window (convertible) However... what do you call a Lada with twin exhausts? A wheelbarrow. What do you call a convertible Lada? A mini-skip.
  5. Baron: Sth Yarra and BMWs - it's a common pairing. The people across the road have the white 318i and the black 320CE Benz. Their daughter has a mint Mazda R100 - 1969 model with less than 10,000ks on it! Literally the 'driven to church on Sunday' car. Pretty cool. The other Bimmer is a green 735i - they have a Pathfinder also. Next to my house are 2 E36 3-series. The end of the street has a current shape 525i and I think there are a couple more near the roundabout. It's like Volvos in Camberwell.
  6. INASNT: Hahahaha You could win them on 'Supermarket Sweep' with Ian Turpee back in 1991. Now that says 'quality' all the way
  7. INASNT: Hahaha - Sth Yarra is always going to be Sth Yarra I should have posed the Lada in some shots - just to give it that more down-to-earth feel. My brother will bring the Civic back on the weekend - so will take a 'family portrait' of all 3 cars.
  8. Horus: Thanks You're a Toorak/Sth Yarra person too yes? Can you PM me a pic of your car - will keep a lookout
  9. Re: Interior OK - have my camera here today. Will pop down at lunchtime and take some shots. Stay tuned...
  10. Ice180: Yeah - has dual bags and is a real VSpec (finned diff and warning lamp in the dash) Currently has a momo steering wheel - but they are replacing it with a standard one (with red stitch) as I want the airbag. Keen to meet up with the Victorian people - is there a semi-organised cruise this Friday?
  11. ice180: Is late model series 2 (still 1997) with xenons and bumper nostrils. All I miss out on is the red-stitched interior.
  12. Just ordered R33 owners manual from JPNZ (link above) - will let you know what it's like.
  13. Adz: Block of Flats - that's where I live If you know the street you'll have probably seen my Lada staining the footpath with oils and other fluids. The previous owner also lived in Sth Yarra - I saw it outside Jam a couple of times before I bought it.
  14. Inark: Yeah - will come down. Will check the address from the other thread...
  15. It's very very fat. Very happy camper.
  16. BTW: Those oil stains are from the Lada
  17. I took it round to show my mum - she thought the colour was 'very dashing'. Still amazes me how good it looks.
  18. Just the thing to impress the neighbours Back from the US safe and sound (happy to be home) and picked this up straight away. Something about not operating heavy machinery whilst jetlagged didn't seem to matter. These across the road from my house: Cusco offset plate mount just ads to the toughness.
  19. Oh - and how's this for BlingBling
  20. MRE: Yeah - was really looking forward to driving the '5-point-oh with the rag-top down so my hair can blow' - pity that this is the first time it has rained in Palm Springs for 6 months. TV news was full of flipped-over cars and trucks around all the LA freeways as they all forgot how to drive in rain. Here's a shot of it at the 'gas' station.
  21. Oh - and I am aware of the irony of saying 'looks good in the flesh' and then showing you a photo You'll all just have to take my word for it.
  22. Last one. I saw a G45 sedan at the mall. It looks very nice also. This has my Mustang in the background. It rains 2 days a year in Palm Springs - today and yesterday. So I didn't get a chance to put the top down. Bummer Mustang was kinda fun - but is, at its core, a piece of crap. Build quality was ordinary and power (6cyl) was very uninspiring. Mind you - when the car costs new about $20k - you don't expect much. Photo 6 of 6
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