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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Had this in the showroom last night - only 11 RS's allocated for Aus, and they are all sold! The black and orange combo is sensational.
  2. There were 2 F40's at Ferrari today. 2! Holy crap that's cool.
  3. Team 32 was far too talented for the likes of me. The Aston has a button marked 'do rather well' - right next to the martini holder - no skill required. But yes - Richard and I will be there again. Looking forward to it We've donated the Hummer to Mossy as the official support vehicle - and have the Aston booked to do it... but Richard is toying with the idea of entering in the Arnage. A 6.75L twin turbo land yacht - cones ahoy!
  4. Ooh - another one. Quite fitting for Saff, as this one is the traditional Bugatti colour - French Blue...
  5. Congrats Ant! Thats great news Now keep it in your pants.
  6. Hehe - we should have a 'spot the P1 car' thread I haven't even driven the SL yet - customers keep taking it out. Big Bird is the resident expert on it! That Conti is the new Diamond Edition - very nice. And I love the Alpine! Always wanted one of them. Cookie for who can name the Manga series where a lead character drove one... Below are from Friday. I spoke to Poite while having a coffee with the lovely red one, and had the yellow one parked next to our F430 while getting the clutch fixed. The Spider is owned by a certain R34 GT-R Z-Tune owner. Has every Carrozzeria option ticked - and is VERY low.
  7. Hi all As you know, I see things most days that some people never get to see - so I thought I'd start sharing them with you (mainly because it's boring in here these days - there's a Big Brother thread for crying out loud?!) Anyhoo - where appropriate I'll snap things on my trusty phone show you some nifty toys and such. Starting with... Lamborghini Gallardo GT3 Very very cool - to be driven by John Bowe in next year's GT3 series. The rear wing is HUGE. Feel free to share and discuss. J
  8. Great work guys! Beaten by a pensioner.
  9. Hi all - just updated top post as have been away for a while. Car is still available for sale - any inspection welcome. Thanks James
  10. Hope you all went well. Good times, no incidents and everyone driving home afterwards. I miss Winton... And for the record, as of this morning Snows and Paris were coming 3rd.
  11. From what I can tell, the locals use the KFC drive through as a dyno. Seriously though - it took me 10 seconds to find this on Yellow Pages. Let your fingers do the walking...
  12. MONARO might help your search...
  13. Things aren't looking good for you Snows...
  14. Hey kids - give me a dial on Sunday morning. I need to exercise a prancing horse - so if anyone is coming back the Yay way, we could meet up for tea and crumpets somewhere.
  15. I think the X looks great and will be very keen to have a go when they come out. But have been thinking I'd like to take a look at something a bit different... 3.0L 6-cyl twin turbo RWD and German The BMW 135i Coupe - http://www.rsportscars.com/eng/cars/bmw_135i.asp Something about them is pretty cool - I always loved 2002s, and this looks like a grown up version. BUT... we'll see. Evo X still top of the list for mine, and we'll have the E90 M3 at work soon - so I can always play with that
  16. BTW - speaking of dream cars that Dane likes... I have a customer's black 964 Turbo 3.6 in the shop at the moment. Will Smith not included. Not to mention a 993 GT2 - complete with HUGE single turbo conversion and RSR style flares. Noice!
  17. Ah-ha! Here is the one Alan originally spoke of - all black and owned by Ralph Lauren...
  18. 1. Emsta - sorry if there is a misunderstanding, this was not meant as a dig at Saff at all. He said he saw a flat colour one, I didn't believe him - turns out I was wrong (so horribly, horribly wrong...) 2. Nick - it's as good as I can find... 3. Shaun - ta da!
  19. A while ago, in some no doubt very important conversation, I told Saff that all Veyrons were two tone in colour. He fought long and hard to claim otherwise - even producing a small, inconclusive photo of an all-black one (which I claimed was black and a really really dark blue - or something) Well. Today I apologise. It seems that yes, indeed, someone is foolish enough to spec one in a single colour. And not just any single colour, a single primary colour. Red. So... Dear Alan. I was wrong - there is a one-colour Veyron. And it looks shithouse. James
  20. Jamezilla

    Gps Devices

    Bec/Adz - You can borrow my TomTom ONE if you'd like to see what it's like. Very easy to use (MUCH better than the OEM system in most cars, especially Bentley) and pretty accurate. Is here at the office now - but I can drop it into MSAC in the morning if that is useful.
  21. I can taste the milkshakes already...
  22. Speaking of Carlsberg... http://www.shoutfile.com/v/3QmVFDrS/Mentos_+_Carlsberg
  23. Jamezilla

    Gps Devices

    As long it has Benalia in it's directory listing - it's OK by me.
  24. Just like stealing powerlines to get the copper wire - theives in the US have learned from metalurgy 101 that catalytic converters contain all sorts of melt downable goodies. I'm sure its pretty isolated (ie: a dodgy fellow with a hacksaw - Age?), but let no one say I don't bring you interesting snippets of dinner table conversation http://news-leader.com/apps/pbcs.dll/artic...EWS01/707090394 I say prevent crime - run cat free.
  25. I remember everything. As I told MattK once - I am the eighties! And one word you've all missed... Pugwall
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