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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Series 2 wheels are different to Series 1 (slightly different shape) Series 3 wheels are different to Series 2 (same shape, but red stitching rather than blue) You'll probably need to switch it to a factory wheel for compliance and RWC. I have an S2 one, but check out Yahoo auctions and Rampant Imports for an S3 - www.rampant.net.au - ask for Aaron. He's like a hero only better.
  2. Go Jeff, go! http://www.targa.org.au/Competition/Crew%2...2007/Beable.php Giggles - http://www.targa.org.au/Competition/Crew%2...007/Fincham.php But I'm going to be watching this little number quite closely... http://www.targa.org.au/Competition/Crew%2.../2007/Leith.php I love them, but it's just not that fast a car. Quite shocked the Whites are running a Superleggera already too. Please don't stack it. Full entrant list here: http://www.targa.org.au/Competition/Crew%2...es/Profiles.php
  3. Best of luck Jeff - and also best of luck to Stickers McHandbags (MissJuz) in her swanky little Lotus! The ultra-cheater spec Evo should do quite well
  4. Jesus Jesus - how many times... you're Will probably bring something interesting. And the Evo - so I can still win
  5. This one is more your style Cougar I like this - the mega Niva!
  6. + 1 for Al + 1 for Kaz (not sure she needs a seconding though) Michael - it doesn't work like that. The voting of executive positions closes once the positions are filled. In a circumstance like this, and when I stepped down as Pres back in 2004, there is a requirement for an Extraordinary General Meeting to vote in the new position. There are no reserves or understudies for these roles - to use your analogy, if the President of the US stood down it would be like passing the job onto the person who ran against him at the last election. It needs to be done again - it's just the way things work. Which leads on to... it might be a good time to host the ol constitution somewhere. It was on the site a while back, but never put back on after a server crash. J
  7. Handbags 1 They are all done and to correct spec. Lotus will bring the car here so they can all be put on properly too. Easy! Handbags 2
  8. I have a signwriter over the road from me - I'll get it done today UPDATE: Lotus are bringing a Europa here so the sticker guys can measure it up. Once your car is in, they will apply the stickers properly for you. It's a handy neighbourhood
  9. James' car of the month presentation too! What will it be....
  10. Just so you know - Stef is a real person. He was interested in buying some brake rotors that Bris had - and I spoke to him at length one night at the Playboy Mansion. He kept asking about the Lada...
  11. Guesty - they came from Roof Carrier Systems in Camberwell - they are the Australian agent for Thule and have all the accessories for bike, kayak, ski, snowboard etc Check here too - http://www.thule.com/default____5232.aspx - it's the UK Thule site. The bike carriers I have a Thule also - they have a u-bolt clamp to sit on the cross bars. I use them on another car now - so not part of the sale. Here's another pic - ran 274kw with 2 bikes on the roof at Autosalon a few years ago
  12. Thule roof racks to suit all R33 coupes. 100% removable - they leave no visible trace. Have been used for carrying bikes, snowboards and the odd flat-pack book case. Bike carriers are not included - sale is just the cross-bars, but the rack design suits all universal roof-carry mounts. Perfect condition - Melbourne $120 m: 0417 037 520
  13. Nice work guys!
  14. Greg - sorry, have been a bit busy. Do I need to do anything to confirm with the BB, or am I OK for Sunday? See you at 9.40am at any rate
  15. Wow - LM Vipers and Trofeo Maseratis, that's my kind of grid! Was booking the 430 in for a service yesterday and they had a GT/Challenge spec 430 coupe there. Very nice.
  16. Check the build date - you might find dealers wanting to offload any '06 models at a decent discount - especially demonstrators or Mitsu exec vehicles. List price is still $56,789 and performance pack isn't worth it IMO.
  17. Great work reaching puberty big bird!
  18. What's a warranty? Anyhoo - Jeff at Techsport is a crazy old man who cheats at motorsport. I wouldn't take my car anywhere else
  19. BTW - Alan is your guy on Tues, I'll be bringing an Audi to the meeting.
  20. Is Ron's not Millennium Jade? BTW - Mav FTW in detailing my car. I haven't seen it, but people tell me it looks sensational! Thanks a buncholio GOLGO's back baby!
  21. Easiest car to live with I've ever owned. 4-doors, lots of space, reasonable on fuel, easy to beat Cougar at DECA - what more do you want? I know an awesome yellow VII for sale - loads of goodery on it too. White always looks good.
  22. Heckling FTW!
  23. Along the lines of the famous 'test driven Mustang' forum thread about 5 years ago - this one should bring a sense of heartfelt warmth to all car forum regulars. Whoever says we aren't community focused should take a read... http://www.pokerknightsonline.com/forums/s...read.php?t=5009 http://forums.beyond.ca/showthread.php?thr...mp;pagenumber=1 * The quick version: Guy's mate has his car hit by another driver - who does a runner. Eagle eyed bystander sees the accident and busts out a few snaps of the bad guy. Both are (unknown to each other) forum users - pix go online. Before you can say "and that's the end of that chapter"... the thread gets over 200,000 views, the guys get ID'd by ex-school pals, the story is picked up by the local news - and of course, the (crappy) photoshops come out in droves! Funny read - and a gold star for online forum community spirit! J
  24. You're asking for a punch in the cock there Snowy As a wise man once said - "she's fast enough for you... old man" Besides, I now have plenty of fast cars at my disposal and teh Evo beats people while stock, so who needs reliability trouble with modified cars!
  25. +1 for Baron25 to be banned for the most stupid question ever. The plate is MCLF1 - think is the only one here. Soooo cool.
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