Z - never underestimate the power of a coffee Big M in the wee hours of the morning
BTW - I'll run the Friday night group - threads will be up some time early in the week of the event.
Don't you just have to send in 12 tokens from specially marked packs these days?
Concentrate, don't rush anything, use your mirrors, and relax.
Good luck!
Some Weds Sport SA70s in Nth Melb - http://firesport.ipspace.com/?section=item...w&id=100466
Might be too wide for a GTSt?
Would be good on the bullet TB...
More info here - http://www.hillclimbracing.com
Looks like MG Car Club have an event there in Feb:
http://www.mgcc.com.au/robroy/2007vhc1.pdf (PDF)
Track is 670m long, WRXs look to do it in under 25sec
I saw a 'Tiger' coloured Commodore in Albert Park this morning that rivals the kit on that. Pretty sure it lives there, so will take a pic next time. Providing I can stop laughing long enough to hold the camera steady
TB - I stopped running as the lights they set up at the end of turn 1 made it very hard to see where you were going. Mix that with not knowing the short track - and I was ready to take the car home in one piece.
Snows had boost issues, but lots of others had just had enough.