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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Paul, Al - WTF are you guys on about? Blue Silvia convertible guy - you are more than welcome to come. There's lots to get through at this meeting, should be a fun one.
  2. Geeze Teabags, don't get it out again...
  3. More to the point Greg - I may be in QLD that day...
  4. Hehe - neither did Mav. Should have seen the girl's face when he asked for a glass of 'Pin-not'
  5. And I thought only orange Dodge Chargers could jump this high. Yeeee-haw! http://0-60mag.com/online/?p=318
  6. Sitting out by the pool, nice and relaxed. You should all try it. Couple of points... 1. We'd love to have more drift based events, but the problem is facilities. Calder costs a lot to hire, and is quite daunting for inexperienced drivers. Other venues with suitable track layout and surface are reluctant to open up to drift events as the cars ofen spend time 'off' the track and damage the grass/run off. What REALLY needs to be done is for all you kids to tuck things back in your pants and look to work together to help develop a purpose built drift venue in Victoria. PIARC are looking at some redevelopments, and have mooted a drift faciltiy - but are unsure as to the ROI due to lack of interest from clubs. Is it worth contacting them? Are these petty squabbles over which online forum you use going to really help? 2. The whole keyboard warrior thing is old. Remember to get your facts pretty concrete before you post lest you end up looking like a fool. 3. Handbags drives better than he rock-paper-scissors, but I still beat him at one event at Dutts! Team Hack FTW 3. The water is nice. This is how I should 'work' every day
  7. Was about $85 for entry, bus ride, snacks, songs, lunch, hilarity and the opportunity to write on my back. You got a free glass, and then a glass of wine too. Wine is available by the glass (weak) or bottle from each of the wineries. There's a band and lots of laughs at the last place. I don't remember how I got home. In.
  8. Ings kit and decal. $350 + shipping from Japan Parts (the sticker) http://www.japanparts.com/db/partslist.php...e=2&small=8
  9. Sticky at the top of the page: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=13305 * oops - put the wrong one. correct now
  10. Jackie Chan agrees BTW - mine all fixed. Was 4th gear slider - it warped due to heat. Seems the part was just a Friday arvo job and likely to have been at the limit of manufacturing tolerances. No driver error (GAGF sLowth), no GB oil problems (Castrol Syntrax), and no damage to other components. Still - an expensive exercise non the less. Fingers crossed it stays fixed so I can beat Snowy and Chris at DECA in Feb
  11. And just quietly - the feature Liberty is the most rediculous looking car ever. I love that he chose baby blue becuase all his mates already went for pink. You go girl!
  12. Yeah - Techsport Jeff. Mine is the first 6-speed to have probs. Lucky me! Will let you know the full details once I know.
  13. Yeah - uncle Jeff is investigating with Mitsubishi now. He's as confused as i am... No teeth, just selector fork - seems heat was a problem. Will let you know more when I know
  14. Just watch 4th gear too Lowthy - it's made of glass :\
  15. Go team! Great stuff Rod. I think a Gippy drive is in order
  16. The King of Nigeria bought it.
  17. Yep - should be a good one. The club awards will have a large presentation as part of it - so the more members present the better.
  18. Yeah - there's one of them in one of the GT-R porno mags I have at home.
  19. D - top work Sav - love your avatar
  20. Nope not me. I'm not that clever.
  21. Jamezilla

    Fast Inc

    F*CK YEAH!
  22. From my run in with Office Steve Austin and his bionic hearing... Fujitsubo Super TI cat back - and when I say 'cat', I mean a pipe shaped like a cat, and when I say shaped like, I mean it looked like a pipe. Standard front/dump. 99dB - wooh! Put a GTSt stock system and cat on, was a delightful 88dB
  23. Ca Chow!
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