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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Almost.
  2. I can't speak for Snowy, but last time I checked - I'm not gay. It's been a while since my last, you know 'check up' though, so ah... nah. Anyhoo - you guys should stop picking on the way we talk, eh
  3. In a nutshell - YES The only Slylines you can legally drive on P's are an R32 GTSt or non-turbo ones (all RB series) and R31 (or older) models. Just get a Corolla. A much cheaper way to learn how to drive.
  4. No wucks Nath - I'm sure we can sort something out
  5. BTW Dave your avatar is cracking me up. Good old Bennett - Best movie villan ever!
  6. Just for you Sunshine, just for you. And don't worry - we'll treat our celebrity NSW guest with the utmost care. Muahhahaha!
  7. Jack was at Eastern Creek - silver R33 And poo to your warmth there Sunshine, style makes you hot no matter what! But the polar fleece vest helps too
  8. * waits for Juz to ask a ask a silly question about why these are so ace
  9. Also - if you want to come and would like a lift - let us know here.
  10. Depending on who's coming to help, we might need you to run the back track. Snows and I can marshall the skid pan in group 1, and Cougar and that Pete guy in group 2. We need someone familiar with the process to handle the track though. And in the arvo - the skidpan is my domain
  11. SAU DECA IV - Attack of the Cones It's on again! This Saturday at DECA in Shepparton is the final motorkhana event of the 2006 calendar. For some added enjoyment, this one comes complete with a Star Wars theme! As always - we need help from officials to help run the day. Timing, marshalling, and picking up witches hats that bad drivers like me knock down - it's all super exciting stuff. You even get a free lunch! And, as an extra thanks - we have a special, exclusive gift for all officials for the day. No one can buy these - so they are a real special item Please post your interest in this thread so we can gauge numbers. Thanks James
  12. I had an ace time at EC - was actually concentrating on my driving rather than just f*cking about in the car (except when going past the cheer squad - go AYC, go!). FYI... Car Make and Model: Evo 8 MR Circuit Name: Eastern Creek Lap time: 1:58:74 Modifications: None - still has 180km/h limiter Suspension: OEM Bilsteins Tyres: shagged Bridgestone RE 01 streets Brakes: squeeky and in need of some TLC, but stock Body weight: I didn't have breakfast, but couldn't be bothered taking the spare tyre out
  13. I was trying to save him from Bec
  14. Jeebus Steve! BTW - more trip pix here: http://www.sauvic.com.au/events/sydney/
  15. More photos here: http://www.sauvic.com.au/events/sydney/
  16. Agreed. That's a man, baby!
  17. Pretty much anywhere - a chain like NatRad would be good - should cost about $60.
  18. Oh - and our jackets are soooooo much better than NSW and QLD
  19. Don't worry - we covered that. I think Gareth's comments sum it all up though - was just sooo much fun to get out there and have a blast! Snowy and I went around Wakefield for about 5 laps just pissing ourselves laughing. Something everyone should do Hehe - Thanks Can-na, so pleased to meet some more members of Team Extreme - messing with locals at country pubs should be an Olympic sport BTW - another use for the megaphone, waking up Matt... Hehe
  20. Daily posts on page 1 updated with a few quick photos - nothing like what Paul has, but some chuckles all the same
  21. Happy birthday again Paulie
  22. We have lots of photos - but these two stand out James (tall, loud, red Evo)
  23. I'm so tired. Was a great fun week. Nice to meet everyone - Steve and Penno were great hosts I need a shower - will then go through photos and do a final day update.
  24. Updated - time to go...
  25. Note that this has been moved to the events forum. But good stuff - that's all you need to do Hope this goes well - have a good night!
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