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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Best. Idea. Ever.
  2. Just a quick gallery here - shots not treated or sized: http://www.sauvic.com.au/events/dutton06/Site/ Go bullet, go!
  3. Hehe
  4. OK Al - here's how it went... Chris & Snowy did ace - 6th outright! Juz and Adam were high up in the teams with Adam winning 2nd outright in class. Plenty of other great results (mainly from Snows and Scootie) - but Steve McQueen had a number of class wins, even I managed a 3rd! Cougar (Chris, lost the edge, holding on to tight) won 4 trophies and Troy broke 1 of them. I stole 2 - says the QLD outright class K 2nd place driver. Snowy tried his best to hit the wall at Winton, but missed. Troy was 2/10th second behind Snowy at Sandown. Johnny Kage (Z-Tune) FTW at playing chicken between Benalia and Shep. No one needs to see Snowy's orange spandex undies. Juz bought Adam a lap dance. Adam sucks at Paper Rock Scissors, but did ace at ruining Justine's tyres. The 58-0 bet was over on the first event when I beat Snowy at the Slalom. Haha I hit 6 cones... some really well. Front numberplates are a must - depsite what people tell you. Bullet Roadster = real man's MX5 I beat some ace cars but basically sucked at everything. Jeff B is the cheaterest of the cheaters - and very successful at it. Pitman rocks. My SAU jacket is full of Red Bull. Adam and Chris can fight over the crazy chick with no undies and tracksuit pants. Bec is a star at carting all our shit around. Alan - your headlights are on. The Middleton boys know how to treat a Porsche. The Silver Bullet is still in one piece and survived plenty of on-limiter runs, harsh launches and a 1.5bar double lap of Sandown. Bec - read and learn: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001098/ Everyone loves the gate. Everyone agrees with Alan that his Dutton 'friends' are strange. Ferni is NEVER getting his spacers back - the white whale looks very tough with wide wheels. Dutton is officially THE most expensive weekend ever. I'm sure there was plenty more - but there's been a few beers since everything happened, and I'm old and forgetful. But yes... Congrats to Chris and Andrew for doing so well in a very competitive field. Congrats to Juz and Adam for doing super-well despite Adam showing off when ever he could. Congrats to Bris for beating Ferraris and Porsches with the mighty 32 - it's a pleasure to be part of the brotherhood And especially from me - a MASSIVE thanks to Troy for the opportunity to punish his car as much as I dared. It was ace - I had a ball! J
  5. I soooo need a beer...
  6. Day one is done and dusted. All teams went well, some ace cars, the Bullet is still in one piece, and I am leading the Kone Kill Kount at 5! Stupid cones. Anyhoo - more news later. For now - if anyone is coming up, we need the following items: suncream R32 brake resovoir lid R33 clutch hoist team of mechanics 8 RE55s some yellow spray paint more beer Better update tomorrow J
  7. Cars will be at Essendon and Sandown all day. All 3 of us are at Essendon in the morning, then Sandown in the arvo. Z-Tune is ace, 997 Turbo is also ace.
  8. Steve McQueen has just given the go-code. The bullet is ready - it's on! Juz was ready days ago, and Snows and Chris have the backup GT-R sorted. Go team!
  9. Can you bring a video camera?
  10. I officially drove the bullet for the first time today. Through traffic from Southbank to Bayswater. Anyone who needs more seat time than that is weak. Cheater Jeff is aligning everything - and Ben popped past to wave his magic wand and encourage again us to beat Snowy and Cougar And BTW - good luck with the backup car guys, I hope it gets sorted in time
  11. All the best Joely - happy birthday
  12. I have the phone - but he's flat of battery. Is in the Jazz
  13. It's better than Chris' suit...
  14. McQueen and I spotted the R32 Golf (car 33) in all it's stickery goodness parked outside the Playboy Mansion last night. Would have let the tyres down, but it's not in our class Fern: 2x motorkhanas at Essendon then laps and another motorkhana at Sandown Snows: after about 2hrs work last night, the bullet now has a perfectly working horn. You guys don't stand a chance
  15. This weekend (Sept 15 to 17) is the 2006 Alphera Dutton Rally. http://www.duttonrally.com The event is based in and around Central Victoria (Shepparton and Winton) but makes it's way back to town on the Sunday for events at Essendon Airport and Sandown Racecourse. There are 3x SAU teams competing this year... Car 30: Snowy and Scotland in the upgraded backup GT-R (White R33) Car 36: Miss Juz and D1 Adam in the super sponsorised 200SX (Blue S15) Car 49: Steve McQueen (Roy) and me in the mighty, reborn Silver Bullet (Silver R32) We are all in the same group - so do Essendon at 9.30am Sunday - then Sandown at 1.00pm. The other 97 cars in the field are made up of swanky M3s, Porkas, Rarris, V8 Muscle, cheater Evos - and apparently a certain R34 GT-R Z-Tune! The road to Dutton has been fueled by heartache and pain - with some amazing effort made and challenges met to get the cars ready in time. We'd all love to see some SAU support! James
  16. Cars we need to beat: MX5 Turbo 350Z S15 200SX sponsor mahcine Golf GTi another 200SX TT Soarer with dildos on it Ford Focus XR5 Turbo x2 and 4x BMW M3s Easy.
  17. Thanks Kaz Should be 40 kW easy
  18. Thanks Kaz - but I need the width of the screen about 10cm from top. Just for the banner width
  19. Yeah... but let's say i need to send the sticker artwork, correctly sized, at lunchtime today.
  20. Hi all R32 owners As you may know, Steve McQueen and I are entering the mighty silver bullet in the Dutton Rally this coming weekend. We need all the help we can get. I am making a windscreen banner - what size does it need to be? It will be a square cut, then trimmed to fit the glass, so it needs to be as long as the windscreen is wide - about 10cm down from the top. Can someone help? Thanks James
  21. FYI - this is not an SAU Vic 'official' club event - so everyone is welcome. Friends, family etc
  22. I told a guy it doesn't matter if I'm pissed - those modern jets fly themselves anyway.
  23. I keep telling you - I'm not a pilot. And I keep telling you - you fly boys crack me up!
  24. Ryan Reynolds is in the market for some new diggs...
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