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Everything posted by Jamezilla

  1. Jamezilla


    Hehe - something to chuckle at on a Monday: http://www.my350z.com/forum/showthread.php?t=208462
  2. Happy birthday yesterday Poite. Plus - Alfred Hitchcock and Fidel Castro
  3. Looks sweet Hus - nice work
  4. Jamezilla


    Ah - but would you kill a cabbie? Thus ensuring you have this view - sea of yellow - all the time
  5. Jamezilla


    They still there - protesting over security measures for cabbies after that guy was killed the other night. Didn't hear the part about protesting for compulsory deoderant and Melbourne locality lessons though...
  6. Jamezilla


    Looking for a cab in the city at the moment? I think I know where they are...
  7. Yeah right, like anything ever breaks on a Honda. You guys are stupid - WHAT car do you THINK the handbrake is busted on??? Anyway - surely this is where the Evo can shine? Bring it!
  8. If someone can help fix my handbrake - in.
  9. Please note the thread should read: What scar non
  10. Will there be coffee?
  11. Aw come now - Snowy's not that bad. This photo was taken at his last driver training camp as he was preparing to teach another young whelp the rules of engagement...
  12. What's your new email address Pete?
  13. NO! Club event = our business On your own time = yours and the police's business In the example above, if you saw me speeding or being stupid - I'd expect you to talk to me directly and tell me to pull my head in. Member to member. I've said all I need to on this. J
  14. Greg - good pickup. It was late - have fixed now Yes we do have a constitution, and it has clauses for such issues that occur at club events... but in this instance - WE DON'T KNOW WHO THE DRIVER IS - it is not our right, it is not our business. It is a police matter.
  15. At a club event - sure, different rules will apply, and this is something we will address with the members, but in public, on your own time... it brings down the individual - not the club. Besides - how do we define 'stupid'? Where do we draw the line? There's probably not too many of us out there with a totally spotless driving record. I've been booked for speeding a couple of times - was it any less stupid in the Lada or the Civic than it was in the GT-R? No. Is it any of your business? No. It was between me and the police - just as it would be between you and the police if you were booked. The club will continue to condemn this type of activity and continue to do what ever we can to help educate our members, and provide plenty of avenues to get out and enjoy your cars how they were designed to be driven - safely, and legally. James
  16. Hi all Kev (Driver Dynamics) has a few spots available for a Driver Training session this weekend. Details: We've just had a major cancellation from our Defensive Driving Course this Sunday. So I thought that instead of cancelling the day we'd offer it to forum members for dirt cheap. Normally the course costs $245.00 ($215.00 if ur a P plater) but we'll give you a major discount. $135.00 per driver including GST . This is the course that your parents will happily pay for !! The venue is the same venue we are using for the skidpan course on Sunday, venue is located in Tullamarine. Full details of the course available here: http://www.driverdynamics.com.au/defensivedriving.php This is strictly first come first served, there is only 12 spots available Do not PM me if you want to come along, email me [email protected] -- Thread in Vic members area. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=128700 James
  17. Ni - we can only do so much to discourage people to be stupid. The club promotes sensible behaviour but cannot be held responsible for individual actions. Ilegal actions are a Police matter. BUT... if I see your car on Today Tonight, I'll be sure to come kick you in the balls - personally. Freddy - about 200 ctjet - it's a crappy movie anyway. You're not missing much.
  18. All OK - Graeme's thread - http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...28369&st=80 - has now been closed as we can all agree it has run it's course. Obviously - as this is a public forum, if you feel you have more to contribute on the matter, add it to this thread. On behalf of the committee of Skylines Australia Vic: If you are a member of SAU Vic and display this in any way (car stickers, merchandise etc) you are representing the club - whether you are at an event or not. It is this representation that presents the club to the outside world - be it the general community, your family and friends or the police. We have all (committee and members alike) worked hard to present a positive image of our club, and it is up to us all to maintain this. That said - as individuals we are all responsible for our own actions. As a committee, we can discourage certain actions until the cows come home - but at the end of the day, we can't prevent people doing what they do. All we ask is that you THINK about how your actions may reflect not only on yourself but on the club as a whole. In this particular instance... NO ONE has the right to know who was involved - and any speculation to the effect shall end NOW NO ONE will be expelled from the club for their actions - if you are caught breaking the law, it is a matter between you and the police Note that behavior occurring at club events is a different matter - but that is a discussion for the members and not for the public forum. Most importantly, remember that being an idiot behind the wheel of a car is never smart - however minor your infraction is. I dare say most of us have been booked for speeding once or twice (I know I have) - and have hopefully learned from those mistakes. If you choose to ignore all this advice and continue to behave badly on the roads, well - can I ask you take your stickers off and select not to renew your membership. We don't want you as part of this club. If you want to go fast, or sideways, or fast and sideways - then come to club events where it's safe and legal. And that - as they say - is that. Now, you can call each other names and trade insults all you like - afterall, that's what the internet is for - but try to keep it civil. James
  19. Bill Paxton's star shon brightly in that titty film we watched the other week So... Maybe Walken as the evil John Howard and Paxton as the firm-but-fair captain of the prison ship who sacrifices himself to help Christopher Lambert's character escape some kind of shark pool trap set by one of the Van Damme twins.
  20. All When I saw the news article this morning about the Australian Government wanting to set up an armed, floating prison ship to handle asylum seekers... Clicky -> http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/mac...4198243176.html I didn't think of politics. I didn't think of human rights. I thought of Christopher Lambert or perhaps Stephen Segal and some weeaksauce rapper side-kick with a stupid name. I saw Walken as the evil captain, I saw a Hollywood hottie as the ship's doctor who falls for our heroic protagonist (who was wrongly imprisoned of course), there's perhaps some kind of people-smuggling, chem-weapons making, undersea aliens, espionage threat - with Van Damme making his career comback as 'the President' and his twin brother. Surely this is so crazy an idea - it MUST be made into a crappy film! Put your screenplay ideas here - and we can submit it to Village Roadshow. Afterall - they funded Matrix 3! J
  21. They went up this arvo http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=128569 Members only for now though.
  22. Ferrari 612 P4/5 - custom built by Pininfarina for a nice chap called James who obviously doesn't worry about when his next paycheque is due. So cool! Now he'll need a a black one for Bruce Wayne and a White one for Speed Racer More (and nice pix) here: http://www.supercars.net/cars/3456.html
  23. You do it at the track.
  24. Geeze guys, be nice. Maybe he has a thin - yet tall - garage, and can't get out of the car easily. Cyber Century should have them (or at least know where you can get them). I have no idea where they are - just look for the bright lights. http://www.whitepages.com.au J
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